This game proves that games are art. The narrative is incredible and can only be done in a game.
The only downside of the game is the combat, Platinum has made some amazing combat in other games but I feel the combat here was far from the best it could be.
Nonetheless, one of my favorite games.

Really good action adventure game, like zelda. The presentation is absolutely perfect (sound, graphics, writing, etc) and the story is very good as well.
The combat is on the simple side, which is not bad but does not do any good for the game. The upgrades also do not feel meaningful.
The lack of a map is one of the most important omissions of the game, which really hurt it.
Nonetheless, a great and short game. Thoroughly enjoyed it.

Amazing little metroidvania.
So much charm and the gameplay is great too.

Nice little metroidvania. Really short but good. It has some very basic gameplay with some upgrades and ends too quickly, leaving a taste for more.
Had a very good time with it.

Really cool and short 3D platforming. It has a very smooth and simple gameplay that works perfectly with the levels and what the game proposes.
Only one of the extra characters adds to the game, while the other is not very different from Hanna.

One of the best RPGs ever. The story and the characters are really amongst my favorites. The gameplay is really confusing at first but once you get the hang of it, it just clicks and you start to understand how great it also is.
Easily one of my favorite games of all time.

An "interesting" but by the books story, with mediocre gameplay and great writing across the board.
Mostly played it while waiting for the new game, however, not a bad game, it's just doesn't bring anything new or really interesting to the table.

Such a great concept made flawlessly. The music and the gameplay are very well done that innovates the genre. Really hope to hear more from the developer.

The best Ys so far. The gameplay is simply outstanding. Play as every character and have fun!

Such a good metroidvania! It is really linear but the gameplay is fantastic with a really good combat system and some hard platforming segments. The memes and the humor are everywhere, which I enjoyed to be honest.

Such a great mini metroidvania. Story is forgettable but enjoyable at the same time; combat is really simple with nice upgrades; exploration is fun.
At the end of the day, a great mini metroidvania that's totally worth playing.

Holy moly. This metroidvania is amazing. The setting is absolutely bonkers in a good way, with various references to religion. The combat is simple yet extremely effective and satisfying. Exploration could be better, as in, you do not get movement upgrades when progressing, you gotta go after relics that alter the world and allow you to explore new areas. It is a great idea but I think it could be improved.
All in all, one of the best metroidvania that I've played. You just gotta push through the start, which cna be a little daunting for some.

The grind is real in this one. Also, it is really hard. Probably the hardest CV.
Everything you might need requires grind, A LOT of grind.
The gameplay is really cool, tho. Classic CV with the DSS mechanic makes for a great time.
Story is extremely barebones so don't even bother.

Play it with savestates otherwise you're wasting your time.

Well... That's a Vanillaware knock-off, in a good sense. Specially when you consider how cheap the game is.
The characters art are not to my liking but the characters have a somewhat interesting story/dialogue.
Gameplay is really solid and doesn't bring anything new to the table.
Good, quick fun for a few bucks. Don't expect anything extraordinary.

Anime MH, that's it.
Really nice and short main story with post game quests galore. Scratches the MH itches very well.
This is Dragalia Lost revival!