Really good metroidvania with a LOT to explore and do. The gameplay is really tight and the movement of the player is really well done. Combat is on the simple side but really explores the movement abilities granted, which differentiates it from the rest of the MVs.
The map is huge and progress is truly non-linear, with several abilities to discover (I hardly got them all to reach the true ending). Some additional notes: (i) 100% is brutal, as the platforming challenges are REALLY hard on this game; (ii) lack of direction sometimes gave me trouble to figure out where to go; (iii) Fast-travel is not the best but is serviceable.

Highly recommended.

Oh gawds. They removed the slide and the charge buster so we're really back to origins, including some cheap ass stage designs that seem made exclusively to infuriate me.
The bosses are really easy, some of the mid stage bosses are harder than the actual robot masters. Willy was a pushover as well (after figuring out his pattern, that is).
Gonna try the proto man run sometime later but this was not as good as I remember it being when I first played it.

This time I went with Bass (quite different gameplay tbh, I thought it could be easier than MM and my impressions are that it is indeed easier than MM).
The stages are just like 9, with some cheap deaths and traps that infuriated me (even with Tremble's fly!).
For some reason I think in 9 and 10 they did not do a great job with the stages graphics and backgrounds, I still think that 4, 5 and 6 had better presentation.
The bosses are fun to fight at least even if I did not find any of the weapons interesting.

The ability to play as MM, Protoman and Bass is really cool.

Really great castlevania!
Simple and effective story and characters. Nothing outstanding but I enjoyed reading through it.

Gameplay is top notch! Various weapons, a lot of souls, tons of equipments and some abilities make this highly customizable.
In general the game is quite easy but some spots really aggravated me, mostly due to lack of gear or souls I imagine.
Nonetheless, a great castlevania, way better than circle of the moon (however I miss the whip!).

Such a good Megaman game! One of my favorites.
The stages can be annoying but once you "get" them they are quite easy. The game as a whole is kinda easy due to the gimmick of the double gear (speed gear is OP), even if the game creates specific situationzls to use it.
The graphics are absolutely lovely!
Gameplay is what classic megaman always was, which is something I thoroughly enjoy.

The robot masters are some of my favorites of the series! I must say that changing the weapon and headgear was strange initially but I grew on me and I hope this trend reappears on the next games.
The challenges are fun and some are really hard as well.

A must play game in my opinion, I just wish it was longer tho.

Well, it starts as an easy ninja gaiden until you suddenly realize that it's not a ninja gaiden clone but a Celeste-like game, focusing heavily on the platforming as combat is really simple but effective.
Halfway through the game it changes from a linear sidescrolling to a metroidvania that has one of the worst backtracking requirements with a terrible fast travel system. I almost dropped the game due to this but I'm glad I continued.
The game never really picks up when it becomes a metroidvania but it never really felt like a bad game, just a cumbersome one.

The highlight of the game is the writing IMO, as I was always smiling if not outright laughing due to the writing. The story itself is not great but serviceable enough that keep the game running.
I absolutely recommend playing this game, however, be aware that this is not a sidescroller action game but a metroidvania with so much backtracking with terrible fast travel.

Holy moly! This game is amazing!
Pure arcade goodness! Nonstop action, with very precise controls and tight gameplay backed by a frantic soundtrack!
The graphics are amazing as well.

The game consists of 5 stages with very platforming/action sections and various bosses. Each boss plays completely different from the previous ones.
The last stage is a banger all around.

Great game! Hghly recommended.

This 8-bit megaman homage is really well done.
The 3 characters play very different from one another with specials, shots and movement mostly unique to each one.
The stages are interesting and bosses are fun to fight even with the basic shot.
The shot customization is also really fun, allowing for very different types of shots and specials.
However, the "weapons" you get from the bosses are boring as they only change your element and do nothing else, without affecting the gameplay.
Oh, the challenges are really interesting with various factors to consider when doing them.
Music was totally forgettable for me.
Nonetheless, I had fun playing it but it could be improved.

This is a great and short metroidvania!
Graphics is amazing, it has this hand draw aspect to it that really stands out.
Gameplay is absolutely as basic as possible for metroidvania, but works really well. Movement is fluid and snappy!
What really bothered me was how linear it was but in the end, it didn't really detract from the good experience I had while playing.
Highly recommend for a quick and well done metroidvania!

My favorite Shmup! I spent hours trying to get my Maniac 1CC and when it finally happened I was elated!

Great game! The special version is way more forgiving than the normal one.
Got my 1CC!

This game is incredible!
Gameplay is perfection in run'n'gun form. Each character plays differently from one another, the weapons are very different from one another, the stages and enemy varieties are amazing, the bosses are superb!
The voice acting is PERFECTION! So cheesy and fun, immersing you in the Hunt down!

Absolute masterpiece! Highly recommended to everyone that enjoys platforming and run'n'gun!

Oh, arcade mode is incredible as well!

Really cool throwback to Castlevania roots!
Gameplay is "rigid" as the old CVs games but there are a lot of QoL in here such as instant character switch, checkpoints, abilities for each character and others.
9 levels with amazing bosses and great level design.
Finished nightmare mode and it felt easier than the normal one? Nonetheless, it was a really fun game!

I don't know what happened between my first time playing ASG1 and this one. I felt it too easy, hated the kudos mechanic, loathed the farming for materials and did not have a good time playing it.
I remember fondly having enjoyed ASG1 and was hyped to play this now but it was not my jam.
Copen was ok.

Such a simple and fun run'n'gun!
Can be quite tricky sometimes but it is very very enjoyable as an arcade game to come back to several times.

Really liked it for how simple and effective it is.