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Beeeeeth reviewed Bravely Default II

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The second non-prologue/non-preprologue chapter of this games story feels like all the good parts of various Stephen King novels mashed together into one narrative arc, and the boss fight against said chapters antagonist is a set-piece the game never really tops later.
However, I feel Square really missed an opportunity by not having Elvis, his friends, and the other party members have impromptu group sex in order to re-centre themselves after being traumatised by the horrors of Folie's lair. They could have really broke new ground for the stagnated JRPG genre, but what do I know?
Gameplay-wise, the stacking of an ATB-sytle system on top of the standard fixed-turn brave/default can be pretty overwhelming in terms of complexity, and enemies with padded HP bars to compensate for the ability to fully brave still cause regular battles to drag on at times.
Still, it looks nice when it runs on a good PC, and it's cool they got the Attack On Titan guy to do the music again.

6 days ago

6 days ago

Beeeeeth reviewed Horace
Every single line being delivered by the same British Microsoft Sam voice makes for a lot of unintended (or perhaps, fully intended) comedic gold.
This game feels pretty bad to play, but it did make me laugh a lot. Everytime I glitched out of bounds on the roller coaster section and the Horace-Flying-Into-Space-With-2001-Music non-standard game over scene played, I laughed. Hell, everytime the Horace-Flying-Into-Space-With-2001-Music non-standard game over scene played when intended I laughed.
I need help, probably.

6 days ago

Beeeeeth reviewed Tomb Raider II

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During her adventure to retrieve the magic Dagger of Xian, Lara Croft descends into an opera house at no cost. However, in order to obtain the key to escape out the front doors, she must awkwardly navigate to what remains of a dressing room, and from there traverse into -FAN HECK-.

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago

Beeeeeth completed Cave Story

6 days ago

Beeeeeth completed Iconoclasts

6 days ago

Beeeeeth reviewed Starbound
Floran has quest! Floran wants you to gather 4 sticks as part of a 5-stage procedurally-generated questline to unlock the ability to craft a hat!
Actually cursed vidcon. Terraria in space is conceptually sound, but the project really needed better scoping.

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago

6 days ago

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