Solid as a diamond puzzler with immense sense of atmosphere and style.

I can't even tell you whether i beat this game or stopped before it concluded. It was that stupendously boring...

I think i appreciate MGS 4 more as a thing that exists, rather than i actually like playing it. Still, what an unhinged idiosyncratic vision that just doesn't give a flying fuck about good game design and goes full in on it's obsessions.

Your classic Super Metroid type experience, controls very well, looks great, sounds just as impressive.

I think i had a bit more problem navigating it's world than i did in Super Metroid. I think. But nothing major. There was just a single instance were i was completely stumped, but i managed to solve it without looking into guides, so for a metroidvania game (i realize it looks ridiculous in the context of talking about a metroid game, but not all metroid games are actually metroidvanias, so..) the level design is, i wouldn't say top notch, but very solid.

No specters were spotted, but i had a grand ol' time with this particular revenge odyssey.

MW4 was the last time a new CoD game felt like an event that changes everything. The first time was when this bad boy landed.

Was quite a bit underwhelmed by it at the time. Human Revolution is among my all time faves, and while this has very similar vibes, it just felt undercooked.

A masterpiece of mood, art direction and storytelling. it is still mind bendingly good and on this (second) playthrough it managed to crack my TOP 15.

There is a pretty cool time travel story in here... somewhere. You just have to read like 8 000 pages of text to experience it, because the stuff in the cutscenes and, god forbid, live action episodes, is whack.

The inability to shoot without aiming in a Remedy game felt like being castrated.

Too much goddamn climbing, too little goddamn shooting. Otherwise, could be a 5 stars game right there.


Uninspired visual design prevented me from being able to truly invest my patience into it like I'm always able to with FromSoftware worlds. And it's not the only thing that sets Nioh and something like Sekiro apart.

Even in unfinished state (which is the only thing keeping me from awarding it with 5 stars) Phantom Pain beats 2015 ass like a crazy horse.

Gen-X Horror: The Game: A Good One: A Very Good One

Near the last stages it became too hard for my ear for rythm and/or ear-to-thumb bandwidth. Gee, thanks for showing me my physical limitations, Thumper.