Josef Fares games have the most bland and uncharismatic writing put to games. That's why Brothers is his best game to date. No one speaks in it!

That aside, both this and A Way Out were mostly uninspired design wise and technically lacking in their mechanics. You'll do way better by playing similar Nintendo produced stuff.

The most annoyingly flat writing and similarly flat acting i've encountered in gaming. Only Lost Odyssey comes to mind, but that was aggressively cringe rather than flat.

The game itself is pretty much equally limp, riddled with obvious (and boring) movie (and gaming) call backs that border on plagiarism. Not an original bone in this cadaver of a game.

Underrated and underseen gem of futuristic violence.

Boy, they should've made a whole game with this!

Wait, they kinda did?

The first game made me watch the entirety of the credits in silence (interrupted by sniffs of crying). This game made me feel things I've never felt or imagined feeling while playing a game. Which constitutes Part II as my second Akira moment in gaming since Uncharted 2 Among Thieves. Gee, Naughty Dog, you just don't let up, do you?

My GOAT videogame and a piece of art of any kind, for that matter.

Kojima's most complete and fetishistic vision to date. Loved iiiiit.

A major let down after a pretty incredible mood master work "Observer".

Had no business being this hard (and i don't mean difficulty, friend).

My exodus from this game was swift, let me tell ya.

A competently made remake that lacks a touch of inspiration that can be found in the (much better) original.

A golden standard of being stuffed and tasty all the way through. Like having a burger that has not a minced meat but a whole steak in it. Doesn't sound optimised for consumption? Well, if you chew it long enough, you're not gonna regret it, let me tell ya.

What a talented team they have at Quantic Dream. If only David Cage's horrible writing didn't stand in the way of their success!

Who would've thought the best GoW game is going to be the fourth one.

The most insane story inside a first person shooter?