I always casually think about Undertale as “that game with the cringe fanbase in 2016”, replay it for a bit, and then remember that it’s one of the best indies ever made

This game really makes you feel like the Lightbringer, it really makes you feel like THE FUCKING UNIVERSE

Never played a game before that combines childhood fun with mature storytelling the way Chrono Trigger has. This will forever be my favorite game of all time.

Great game, and it would be the best of its kind if Mother 3 wasn't better in every way

BACKSHOT ROULETTE (sex reference)

I normally don't like bandwagon hating on things but this just was not a fun time at all

Incredibly high review for an EA FPS but the campaign is straight cinema and somehow the gameplay is too. Super cool game

Controls are agonizing, especially on repeat playthroughs, but this is kino

The same experience but better

I have the same birthday as Kellam and I genuinely don't know how to feel about that