My first PS4 game and a game I still to this day vividly remember and think about fondly ❤️ 💙 💜. Charming cast of characters, fun battle system and solid story. Lots of uneven stuff and going for 100% sounds like hell but the actual playthrough was just fun. Tales Of games I call fast food rpgs a lot but man, Tales Of Berseria in my heart feels like the Little Ceasars Italian Cheese Bread of RPGs for me. What more could I fucking want

What a fun little game. Real neat launch title that's still fun to dip into. I suck at it tho

Can't really rate/recommend Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 cause the game has aged but god damn did this game basically work as ny lifeline for keeping up with Naruto when I was younger. Really ambitious story mode too with some cool ideas for boss fights. Not the greatest game on the PS3 or anything but a hell of a Naruto game on the PS3

Really cool concept and controls are great. The actual gameplay felt repetitive after awhile though. That said still a real cool horror game

If I was a kid I'd probably love this. Was a big spongebob movie game fan after all. As an adult? Thoroughly alright little 3d playformer. Would feel mean giving the game 2 stars tho knowing how much a kid me would probably like this tho

Stealth games are too difficult for me. Seriously though the game did nothing for me. The writing was ok, world was ok, gameplay ok, ect. I own a Bugsnax shirt tho

On a more comedic note everyone I know who really liked Bugsnax is in a happy, committed relationship. Maybe me being single is what kept me from connecting with the divorced guy

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I don't know who Queen Latifah is but damn the end credits really wanted me to know she was a part of Sayonara Wild Hearts.

Won't go into too much detail but I played SWH in the middle of the night and at the same time ended up being an odd psuedo lifeline for a friend that may or may not have been ok? They were fine but needed to check in with someone in case something happened. Surreal experience. Less surreal was SWH cause I sucked so bad the game asked me multiple times if I wanted to skip levels

A Kirby game that I just do not vibe with. Feels like the most "just a Kirby game" in the blandest way possible. Story is meh, the new characters are ok, the level design is basic and there's not a lot of note compared to other Kirby games to sink one's teeth into. Just disappointing

Puzzles are really good. Story could have been good but misses the mark. General atmosphere and world are like, alright? Fine enough game that I don't really ever think about. The game's launch edition not being able to call the metal case "steelbook" for legal reasons is real funny though

I enjoyed this more than the first game. The open world in 1 was fine but I definitely enjoy this more streamlined approach. There's a fuckton I could right about the game but really, it's as simple as the gameplay being super fun. Loved the motion controls so much

You can change the healing floor food to be Poutine. Beautiful

I remember when people including myself were worried SOR4 was gonna be a disappointment. Oh how thankfully wrong we all were. Even the dlc is dope!

It's fine I guess. The game itself is gorgeous - CC2 always excels in that department but the game itself is just kinda there. Story mode and gameplay is repetitive and being just OG Naruto keeps the cast feeling a bit shallow compared to later Budokai Tenkaichi sized rosters the later games would have

How in the fuck am I supposed to review this game!?!? Massive game that gave me so many memories. Was basically how I experienced so much of dragon ball's story and mythos. Hell, me and my brother even 100% the game! That's hundreds of hours! Jesus what a wonderful gaming experience for a child. Game itself is pretty busted and not super exciting to go back to as an adult but there's just enough familiarity and effort put in to still find joy while playing.

PS Pikkon with the item that halfs ki cost for specials is so insanely broken


I'm terrible at shooters so I generally don't play them. Dusk is the exception, real god damner of a game that's still pretty accessible. Shooting things are fun, the world is bleak but so action packed that it never wears me down. My joycons started having problems during my playthrough though sonI put the game down and haven't came back to it :(

Also the game has the same name as my wrestling promotion, bless

Really lovely idea& main character. Kinda hampered by the more normal open world mission structure and relatively tame scope of being originally a portable game. Still a crime Gravity Rush didn't become a big franchise