WOAH THE GRAPHICS ARE SO GOOD! 3D ON THE SNES!?!? Seriously though I do love the aesthetic and the weird polygons moving around have such a surreal feel, just a fascinating video game to me

Cute! Fun and gorgeous lil Animal Crossing style grind game. Having co-op is also pretty cool. Not something I fell in love with but I respect the heck out of


Tartarus yeah, between talking about the game with friends and just playing Hades is such a wonderful time. Shoutout to Artemis, saving my ass both in pro wrestling and in video games.

Thanatos x Hades does nothing for me as a queer ship I'm sorry

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During Grade 11 of high school right before Spring Break a good friend who sat next to me in Science Co-op asked if I ever heard of "Undertale". The game would give me a very fun Spring Break, though the discourse around what type of run to do is very annoying. Especially when a pacifist run is very similar to a lot of neutral runs but with an added post game. Damn good post game though, "ANIME IS REAL" is up there with the Kiryu "VOICE ACTING!?!?" for all time funny video game moments

I have tried to hate this game but can't. I'm aware it has faults and weirdness and distasteful stuff but then the ending sequence hits and I get so damn emotional. Most Royal stuff added is pretty great, though Katsumi feels a bit thrown in/forgettable on revisit(I watched rtgame play)

Ryuji & Joker are my favorite video game couple

Maddy Makes Games 🤝 Nathan Fielder

Being Vancouver's greatest imports

Seriously though what an amazing game. I spent half a day trying to beat a b side level, thought I was at least halfway done and felt truly demoralized when I learnt I was barely a third done. Truly an epic gamer game.


I have a lot of thoughts. Some good, some bad. Took a few years after playing for me to really appreciate Automata tho

Nier Replicant better. Automata still worth a playthrough

Bloodborne is one of the greatest games I have ever played. Unfortunately I have not actually beaten Bloodborne. Hard to find time when you have no clue how long a playthrough will last, ya know?

Someday I will come back to BloodBorne or at least play anither fromsoft game


Amazing aesthetic. The story is quite touching and the gameplay from a conceptual level is super cool. Weird disconnect though where I found the dream world gameplay kinda grindy and tedious while the real life stuff was very fun & smooth but pretty linear. Weird trouble finding a nice balance. Can't fault an indie dev for wanting to put more gamplay in their video game though.

PS Bless the internet I had trouble realizing the importance of watering plants

Game I got with my Switch during second year of launch boxing day sale. GOD WHAT AN AMAZING GAME. From the controls to the world to the music to all the mods to the speedrun community. Just a real magical experience

Really wanna replay eventually now that I know how the game works. Highlights include shooting myself after peeing myself, mugging a jacket off redacted due to slur, spinkick, trauma over my wife leaving me and Kim Kitsuragi