I mever think much about Sunset Overdrive then when I boot up the game I can't put it down. Just so much fun to move around in. Can see how Insomniac went from this to Spider-Man

AI also had storylines that I will forever think about and effect how I view myself and what I want from life while being the horniest game I've ever played. Wish some of the gameplay sections weren't so annoying and made me just want to google a guide though

I just did not vibe with Oxenfree. The game didn't feel creepy, the characters didn't interest me & the gameplay wasn't much. Real shame, seems a lot of people love the game

Is this my favorite Metal Gear game to play? Yes

The shorter levels are just fun to blast through and have enough room for error that I don't struggle as much as I do with the mainline MGS games. That said holy shit is the torture scene way way way too hard compared to the other games and the PSP version. The PS3 version also had an annoying amount of glitches that made certain stuff unfinishable

Weird thing where the donkey kong dlc is way better than the base game.


https://youtu.be/SZYITzZtRNA?si=skbCWfGDgeZp2MuI I am a very normal and functional adult over this game and absolutely not obsessed.

Had to put Crypt down cause it was physically hurting my hands to play. With that said, damn what a hoot

Actually amazing how bad this is compared to the 2010 & 2012 Olympics

Love that we get Dragon Ball Online concepts reused. Shame this game is practically worthless when Xenoverse 2 exists

The pinned comment on the Geek Critique review of this game is so good. Remake itself is fun. Problems with the game mainly come from the stuff in Metroid 2. Bosses are real fun, though I wish the counter system wasn't needed for basically everything. The 3d slider on Samus Returns is one of the best uses of 3d on the system. The controls feel a bit cramped stuck on the 3ds, especially when I have to start using the touchscreen

What a genuinely amazing game. Love the HUB, almost all the minigames are short, sweet and a blast with friends. Just pure fun, one of the best Wii U games

The visual novel sure was cool. The RTS gameplay sure was not cool and felt easy to ignore. All time inner art for the Switch version

Too hard, could not beat. Between the level length and all the deaths this was a hell of a leap from the Crash Trilogy