nitnedno please tomodachi life sequel i am begging you

Time Taken: 12.6 Hours

Very fun relaxing game, the cleaning is very satisfying, the loddles are cute, it's great! A recent update added a Loddle ability that helps you sprint, which fixed an issue I had with the sprint still feeling pretty slow during lategame, AND gives another reason to be traveling with a Loddle buddy (besides the main reason, which is having a cute Loddle Buddy). I think the only complaint I have is that by the end once you've upgraded everything, the trash you have becomes kinda pointless. But overall, a very good relaxing game!

Extremely fun 2D Mario, I loved nearly every second of it. The style, the level design, it's all top tier! The badge system is fun to play with, even if after I got the spin jump badge I never took it off - but I love the three categories of badges - the ones that give you a new movement option, the ones that make the game easier, and the ones that mostly make the game harder. Customization! What a concept! I'm also a big sucker for the musical levels. Oh, and the online is fun! I loved teaming up with people to beat certain levels or waiting for them to catch up. Also some of those bonus levels are hard as hell. The only complaint I can make (and what knocked it down from 5 to 4.5 for me) are the bosses. With how creative the levels are, it was a shame to see that (excluding the final boss) there were only 2 types of bosses. One of those at least had variety with the arena you fight in, but the other is just "run to the end and hit the switch" for all of the fights. But besides that, it's an extremely fun time, and a wonderful 2D mario. I said the thing. Laugh. Laugh at the th

The main story of this game is great - if you liked journey, this is basically Journey but more. The environments are pretty, it's calming, grabbing spirits for the first time is fun.
But once you've done all that, it's mostly repeating candle runs and grinding to get candles to get cosmetics or items - if you care about that aspect of the game, of course. The social aspect is the games strongest point, talking to your friends, being guided by a more experienced player, doing the guiding yourself once you're more experienced, those parts are where the game shines.
I think it's worth a play for anyone, at least through the main story, but the more "F2P mobile game"-y aspects might not be for everyone. I swear things have gotten more expensive recently.

This game is amazing so far, I can understand why so many paper mario fans consider this the best one. Super happy this game is available (and in better quality!) for more people who were 0 when this game came out, like me.

Time Taken: 1 hour

Free and fun game that does exactly what it says in the title. 20 small mazes with 20 different mechanics. Very well made!

Time Taken: About 1 hour, 2 hours for achievements

A short, cute puzzle stealth game that I really enjoyed! Plus it's free, so there's that. Definitely worth playing when you have a free hour or two.

Time Taken: Played this years ago I have no clue

I love these quadrilaterals. I love them very much. I loved the main story, but the post-game stories were just okay to me (enjoyed the grey one the most) I don't know if it's aged super well, though - the platforming isn't too interesting or elaborate in many areas. However, I still recommend it, so you can also get attached to a bunch of colorful rectangles.
(Reviewing past games I've played #5)

Completion Time: Unsure

As someone who really loves rhythm games and had never played a hack-and-slash game before, this game was AMAZING. It's funny, it's fun to learn strategies, the extra modes add lots of replayability, I loved every second of playing and I will be playing more so I can get my 100% back. Also, rest in peace Tango Gameworks. Microsoft will perish for this.
(Reviewing past games I've played #4)

Completion Time: Around 5H 30M, + 3H for achievements

A fun point-n-click/minigame collection with charming characters, a really good art style and great music. It's funny as hell, too. You aren't able to complete every minigame in a single day, but the game knows this and you're encouraged to replay twice or more to get the full story. Good game!
(Reviewing past games I've played #3)

Completion Time: Around 3 hours

A short game with a very fun idea! The puzzles start to lose their shine near the end though, since its pretty easy to figure out how characters interact with items and so puzzles become very short. The devil levels are a neat twist, but there's very few of them. I think that it's a bit too short for the price, but consider it on sale! I hope they do more with this concept in the future!
(Reviewing past games I've played #2)

Time Taken: Forgot. Couldn't be much more than 15 though

Beat this game a few years ago, I remember loving it! The painting is super fun and calming, the story is well made and I love the message of the game. There's also lots of little things to discover around the map, which is fun! I remember spending lots of time on the game just drawing, or listening to the calming music, or looking around for stuff. Highly recommend, Wishes Unlimited makes good stuff.
(Reviewing games I've played in the past #1)

This is one of those games that was made specifically for me, lmao. I love how the game encourages you to engage with its puzzle mechanics by making it so the chests provide weapons and items for the combat sections. For people who are new to logic puzzles, the tips the game gives are also very useful! Love it, and it's very good for the price! I've completed all of the normal dungeons, and I plan on finishing the bonus ones as well.

I like this game, but it isn't exactly I wanted. I was hoping for more puzzles with multiple solutions but those types of puzzles start to decrease the further you get into the game. The game is nice and relaxing though, and it is fun!


Time Taken: 6h + a bit more time for achievements
Cozy picture taking game! Puzzles aren't too hard but not too easy either. Good buy.