I mean its fucking SOTN what do you want me to say

This game is near perfect in achieving what it sets out to do, making the player feel as if they have to survive a war, and it does it almost to a fault. The entire game is a completely stressful and almost miserable experience, at some point the only thing keep you going is the hope that the end is coming soon, yes the game makes you wish it is over as soon as possible and thats a good thing. There is one area however I feel the devs have went a bit too hard on, and that is character death. By the end of the game you will have to venture into some very dangerous places at night, and if you so much as click accidentally or be in an unfortunate position when a guard opens a door, you are pretty much dead, and your character stays dead, make the mistake (or get your players AI bug out) a few times and your playthrough is dead. I had to alt+f4 when I got spotted just so I could get through the final 3 days and finish the war. If this area was just a little bit more forgiving, this would've been a 10. (kinda shows how good the game is by how much I can talk about it lmao)

First game rocked. This game fucks. Thats the best way I can put it.

Puzzles mid, atmosphere is elite, the story is so vague that pretentious twats will tell me I dont get it if I complain about any of it cuz "I didnt get the real real real point". Its a cool 2 hours but aint no way this shit cost 20$

Its cool, if you like the series already its worth a playthrough, the endings are both a highlight and prob the best part. Gameplay is ok the entire time, some parts are meh, largely its servicable at parts and good at others but it couldve been so much better.

So damn fun, so damn cool, so damn weird, it may not be amazing in everything (them sidestuff and ending be bad) it has so much love, cool ideas and is so interesting for the entire runtime it doesnt matter. This should be how all AAA games are made but nobody listens to me

Amazing story, cool gameplay, soundtrack created by god himself. Idk man just play it.

pees standing toggle, fart and smoke buttons, and musrooms. what more could you want

Such a great portrayal of the guardians, gameplay lacks sometimes but the story characters and dialogue more than make up for it

While bigger, longer, and with a clearly larger budget than its predecessor, shitty checkpoints, some questionable design decisions and repetitive quest structure make it a worse overall experience for me. Still goes pretty hard in most other aspects though.

Amazing from start to finish (some levels are the hardest thing ive experienced in my life tho)

While it doesn't quite reach the heights of its predecessor, its new ideas and great design still make for a very fun experience.


Some funny dialogue, a cool traversal mechanicm and a some standout moments. Thats about it really