Someone just decided to make a really cool game and succeeded, not a big fan of the soundtrack and it could use some variety, but the core gameplay level design are surprisingly good so it doesnt really get boring, the story also is surprisingly good and well written, I was invested more than I thought into Draculae and the main characters relationship, and some monologues were very cool, all around yeah a great time

if I played this in 98 I would have absolutely lost my shit, playing it 25 years later, its still quite good, the kojima-ness of it all is entertaining and enaging enough to overshadow some questionably design or things aged badly, all in all though its pretty well made too

if this didnt have the name devil may cry it woulda banged, not perfect but really really fun

Very well done creative concept, with some really cool uses and amazing example of interactive narrative. That being said I didnt find the actual gameplay that engaging and wasnt that invested in the endings, still very worth it though

One of hte most insane and incredible games i've ever played, the sheer amount of effort, style, incredible design. Not only is it basically flawless at its core, it keeps one upping itself and changing things up in ways you would never expect, even though it really doesnt have to. It somehow is not satisfied with being simply perfect and has to push beyond that in different ways. I have not played another game like this

One of the best all around designed games, beauty in simplicity, great concept, so damn funny and well written too, amazing

Has a lot of heart and love for spongebob, with tons of easter eggs to early spongebob episodes, if you know your spongebob you will literally be going "oh my god they put the thing in the game" every 5 minutes. It is also very cool that a metroidvania set in bikini bottom exists, with iconic locations brought to life to be explored here.

Unfortunately thats where the good things end really, the story is bad, just a series of arbitrary fetch quests, the characters are bland at best and feel completely wrong at worst (if you are the type of insane person that gets pissed about bad characterisation of spongebob characters like me), the extremely simple gameplay is clunkier than you would expect, there are a few bad design decisions, and a ton ton ton of backtracking with not much new to make it less boring.

The positives are very novel and do make it an okay experience, I loved it as a kid and still enjoyed my first few hours with it this time, this would have been a positive review if the game was half its size, but as it stands playing this for 12 hours is gets fucking exhausting.

lovely lil game with charm and fun gameplay

Story is fun weird and engaging, but the slower more strategic gameplay is just significantly less fun than the og

Great narrative, gameplay, and absolutely insane atmosphere and visuals, the ending is bad and the half baked morality doesnt add much, but its still really good

uhhhhhhhhhhh I guess they tried to do smn, but the game design is pretty ass throughout

Still barely a game but I really like the story and presentation heh