Incredible highlights, extremely memorable, but that still doesnt make up for a short campaign runtime still having a lot boring filler.

Well designed and staggeringly large, its a great experience but ends up leaving a lot to be desired in a few aspects, most of which older souls games delivered on way better.

Not much I can say that hasn't already been said, must-play masterpiece.

While it does not reinvent the wheel and has some minor problems, most of the game is nothing short of exhilirating, grabbing and just plain fun.

The landmark title that created a new genre, it holds up incredibly well and provides an experience that has not been quite replicated since, even by fromsoftware themselves. That being said, the game has some flaws especially deeper into a playthrough, but in my opinion those can be easily overlooked compared to how well designed, creative and unique the rest of the game is.

Yuck, I mean at least they tried to do something cool, but going from Dark Souls 1 to this the downgrade of the decade.

While it fails to reach the greatness of some aspects of Dark Souls 1, like the world design and story, it surpasses it in others, like build variety and boss quality. This leaves an amazing game, but not the definitive Souls experience a lot were hoping to get.

An extremely fun and well crafted rogue-lite, but not a lot to set it apart or make me interested in playing it past the credits.

The best metroidvania I have played, the world, gameplay, upgrades, bosses and basically everything else is incredible. Any any metroidvania fan who has not played it, well, idk what you're doing man.

While the core game remains good, the shiny new graphics dont add anything of value, and possibly take away from the original.

The gameplay is quite good, the story has some really good parts, but besides these things, there are a lot of missteps and mechanics that dont reach their full potential, such as an openworld and rpg elements. On top of that, while the story has its moments, the "one take" feeling its going for ends up taking away from it, making character motivations feel weird and inconsistent. To top it off, compared to older titles, it ends up feeling more inconsequential, less exciting, and leaves you wanting something a bit better.

With unmatched gameplay, great bosses and world, and a cool story, basically everything in the game works great, with the exception of some alright, but not breathtaking elements like the prosthetic tools and terror bosses.

Possibly the best action game ever made, it has incredibly fun gameplay with depth only matched by fighting games, likeable characters, a banging soundtrack, a fun over the top story that still has heartfelt impactful moments, what more can a man ask for?

Amazing story, cool gameplay, soundtrack created by god himself. Idk man just play it.

Amazing gameplay, incredible story, its amazing, fuck you.