This one was rough to push through. It's got some interesting ideas and a decent enough story. But in their attempt to make silent hill bigger and open world it makes it feel empty and boring to explore, with some very weird and out of place side quests you can do. It really feels like a beta of a game and like either due to the company declaring bankruptcy shortly after release or Konami rushing it out. I also always liked the effort they took to make silent hill look like it's the same town in all of them that in this one where it's different feels weird.

I heard almost nothing good about this or Downpour. And I haven't touched Downpour yet but I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Homecoming. It does have flaws and a few issues I have with it though.

It did feel a lot more like Silent Hill games than I expected it too. The combat is a little awkward but once you get used to it it's not too bad. The game is more action oriented and maybe if the system was a bit better it would be good but i prefer the more suspenseful previous games and how they handled combat.

The story for the most part I thought was pretty good. It does really feel like it's trying to be Silent Hill 2, with even a plot point being reminiscent of it. I think including a certain element in this one from 2 was odd and didn't fit, but it barely is in the game so it didn't really end up mattering.

Overall after 1 playthrough getting what seemed to be a good but probably not best ending, I thought it was worth picking up and playing if you like the series.

It's mostly the same gameplay from the last games except there's guns. I enjoy the time period and setting, and I know a bit more about US history than I did about the history of the first two games, so I enjoyed seeing a lot of historical figures interact within the world. Conner is a bit of a bland character but I enjoyed his story only for how hard it shows him work for it. In 1, Altair was already an assassin when the story starts. In 2, Ezio gets in the brotherhood because of his lineage. So I think in this one watching someone with no ties to the Brotherhood just shows up at their door and has to prove himself worthy. I did find that some of the combat mechanics were a bit clunkier in this one and I'm not entirely sure what causes it. I also don't like the Desmond sections much at all in this one apart from just seeing an assassin in modern day. I don't really like how these games seem to end in spots that don't feel satisfying or conclusive.

A lot better than the first. The world has a lot more to do, the game feels so much more fluid, and the locations are a lot more interesting. My only downside is how they made 2 chapters of the game dlc and like the first game it ends SOOO suddenly it's really jarring.

A game I remembered playing as a kid but remembered almost nothing about it (I realized once I got halfway through disc 1 and already didn't remember anything). The combat is fun, It reminds me of paper Mario the way they implement QTEs into the combat. And grinding additions instead of Levels feels like there's a lot less time spent grinding. I did like the story as well and probably has the best FMVs I've seen in a PS1 game. I think the last half of Disc 4 had some really annoying enemies and areas, but it didn't effect my enjoyment that much because once you get to the point of no return it starts to be a lot better again.

Note: I played the HD remaster but it wouldn't let me select only X and I didn't play X2 yet.

This is one of the FF games I missed out on when I was younger and I kept trying to play it and it never grabbed my attention enough. This time I pushed through it was an alright game. I don't like that this is the start of very linear FF games as I always enjoyed exploring a lot and there's a lot less of it in this one until the endgame. The English voice acting is pretty terrible despite casting really good voice actors (Tidas is Obi Wan from Clone Wars). The combat feels really good but I realized the leveling up system is a bit overly complicated (at least in presentation) because I ended up missing key abilities in the sphere and they aren't the easiest to go back to unless you can farm teleporting spheres somewhere and I just never found it. The cutscenes and graphics look real good for something that was originally on PS2. Overall I didn't hate it but I think it's a bit overrated.

I have a lot of nostalgia for this game, it's the first game I can ever remember playing. Trying to remove that bais though I think it's a good game but not great. The camera is really awkward sometimes and the game is pretty short. There's a few gimmick levels like for example the underwater levels that are just really annoying to play through. The controls are good though and I enjoyed my replay of this game.