It’s okay. It’s hella buggy and it pissed me off that I couldn’t complete a mission because of it. So I’m fearful that it’ll happen again with another mission. But overall I feel the story is okay, and I’ve played Outer Worlds and KOTOR 2 so I like the noticible Obsidian flare but other than that it seems overhyped I got to New Vegas so my opinion could be invalid but hey…game has other problems where I’m turned off from the story. Graphics are hella mid even if it’s dated, other Bethesda games back then still had better graphics. Perks are the only thing I like from the gameplay, too many ammo options, and the dreaded “conditions/deteriation” for weapons is annoying. I prefer Fallout 4 more!

Fun game, and great for movement and exercising. Wish it wasn’t a live service game or at least have better servers and connections. Everything besides the gameplay is sluggish

It’s Madden, been the same for years. I love football, and I only play this for my franchise mode and sports game fix.

This review contains spoilers

I’ve been hesitant for years to play this game. Mainly because of the early story leaks, spoilers after release, and the overall controversy surrounding it. Finally after buying the ps4 version for $10 a while ago and this remaster upgrade, said screw it and gave it a go. This game didn’t disappoint and has one of the greatest stories in a video game ever!

Starting off with the good, the story is epic!!! I have no qualms. Very risky for all these characters to die, but that’s life people die especially in these post apocalyptic circumstances. People are trying to survive, and people want revenge. Beginning, middle, and end…ALL PERFECT! With that being said gameplay definitely takes a step back to the story. It’s so-so, almost like the first game with a few tweaks. I personally love the stealth but when it turns into a shootout just wish there was more ammo. Love the notes, lore, collectibles, and everything that can be found. Unless trophy hunting and trying grounded mode I’d just turn it to very light to not worry about as much gameplay and focus on the story.

Weren’t many things I didn’t like, but there was 1 thing that irked me enough to where I’m debating between a 4.5 and a 5. It is Abby’s gameplay. I don’t mind at all that we play as her, matter of fact I like her. Her side of the story 100000% needs to be told! But the game wants to treat her like a super soldier with this semi auto/burst rifle, choking out enemies instead of a knife, going up against twice as many enemies as Ellie, etc. Just change the game into Uncharted gameplay at that point or keep it tame. Staying as survival horror made it so long and monotonous as her after you go through so many enemies already as Ellie. Again, Abby’s story: needed, her gameplay: not needed or tweaked. Actually her side of the story should’ve been DLC or a side B of the game like Leon/Claire on RE2. Would’ve been so much better. Other than this rant, there’s nothing else I didn’t like about the game.

All in all, this game is for sure one of the most controversial games of all time but it shouldn’t overshadow the greatness it still has. The story is one of the best in all of 21st century media, it needed to be told. So many ups and downs, with tons of more downs than ups. The gameplay won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, so the least people need to do is watch a cutscene comp on YouTube, lower the difficulty to just mow through the gameplay! Game is must play!

Came in knowing most of what RE2 had to offer since it’s been out for a while. But I was still blown away! Loved the gameplay, still felt like classic RE with a hint of new mechanics from the recent games.

All the puzzles were not too hard but not too easy as well. The story was good but nothing amazing. Played Leon’s story run, Leon was cheesy in a cool way just like he’s always been, and I’ll play Claire’s at some point but I’ll move on to another game for now.

The horror aspect of this game was okay but didn’t scare me that much. Mr. X/Tyrant was probably the scariest part but annoying as well lol.

Tons of replay-ability to be had. Extra modes, new game+, 2nd story, more weapons, speedruns, etc. Capcom really did their big one with this. 3 and 4 remakes will definitely be played as well.

I love when games simplify another skill, hobby, or game. This was great for me to understand poker hands. Won’t help me play actual poker but it’s a start.

I also love the roguelite aspect of it, I’m starting to get into that genre of games as well. Love learning from mistakes and starting over with previous power ups to aide the climb back up.

Gonna be a great game for my switch arsenal to play on the road.

Love PvE games and this is fun with friends. Tons of hilarious and tough moments to keep me coming back for the rest of the year


Impressive that a great story was made for a 2 hour game. Pretty good amount of emotions were had playing the game as well. Loved the cooking aspect, food looked delicious. Great little game. Tell your parents you love them.

Base game aside, this was a fantastic DLC! Story for the DLC is better than most of the storylines for the base game. Great weapons were added as well as the new Relic power ups. The gigs and side quests were dope as well. There’s also a part that feels very Alien Isolation-esque which was a surprise and only difficult part. Such an emotional ending I felt like I fucked up but at the same time I have a feeling they’re all gonna feel that way and we have to live with those actions. Will definitely pick up again later for the extra ending at the endgame for the Base.

Good for its time during the pandemic. Loved playing with friends and just getting away from the world for a little bit. After a while though the gameplay loop gets stale.

Followed the “play with significant other and act like you’re in The Bear” trend. Funny as hell, I’ll just play whenever she wants to.

It was okay, just not worth playing again. Would rather play the Show

Great game, my first rougelike. Love the concept of dying, learning from mistakes, and the permanent boosts you gather over time. I’ll definitely be playing it again but probably on a different system. Was playing it on a $1 trial Xbox game pass subscription that’s running out

I’ll definitely play this game on and off. Great for finishing music albums and podcasts.

Put on the nostalgia goggles for this one. Game is definition of mid in the most respectful way. The way the story can change by one decision is very impressive for the time it came out. Characters are stereotypical but voice acting is solid. Other than that, everything else sucks lol but it balances out. Combat is frustrating at times but bearable. Luckily game won’t take long to finish. Game had so much potential