Probably the best “non fighting game” Dragonball Z game in my opinion

Another great Yakuza game pushing the confusing story forward but making it worthwhile

It’s like every other Uncharted game, but that’s not a bad thing

Game was interesting, only played because Atlus making Persona 5. Not a big fan of the puzzles but the characters and story was cool

I’ve only beaten this game once and that was back on the 360 lol I like going back to play online or to run through some of the story again. But can’t wait to move on for 6

Love what Quantum Dream does when it comes to games, I like to just kick back make decisions and watch the story unfold

Very happy that one of my favorite games of all time got a remastered update.

I like narrative games and this is one of the best that do it well.

To me, 1A (Elden Ring) and 1B (Bloodborne) when it comes to best From game.

With a little bit more TLC on the technical side, this game could’ve been really good. Loved the aspect of killing characters for their blood being a consequence on the wellbeing of the area.

One of the very few games to me where the side quest is out right better than the main quest. All in all great spin off from the Yakuza series

Love narration games and what supermassive has done, but these are a one and done unless you want an easy platinum

What a way to revive a superhero that kept having mid games since the late 2000s. Keep it up Insomniac!

Randomly decided to do a platinum run on this because I love BioWare games. Not disappointed at all. Could’ve been better tho

Make one of my favorite games of all time, then crank it up a notch with new characters, social links, personas, pastimes, etc. I find this game to be flawless, so I’m hella bias. One of the best ever, can’t wait for 6