Solid game for four player coop parties. Still good fun joining random groups, but as with most coop games, a lot is lost when not with friends. Grab your buddies, load a level and get lost in the gory glory of the world of warhammer.

A great update to a fantastic TBS series. The gameplay has been streamlined to run on controllers, yet lost little of what made the game great. The simplification of certain aspects of the originals is made up for with an increase in pace and some immersive details introduced to character creation and progression. Expect a bit of a grind and a fair learning curve to reach the higher difficulties, but an excellent experience throughout.

A fun little detour introducing some unique units and campaign play. Since this is now included with the base game it's definitely worth a play, but don't expect much more beyond a pleasant snack rather than a meaty challenge as you get from the base game.

A simple game, but a good game. Works great on touch screen having been designed a game to play on a phone/tablet. There's enough content in here to keep you playing for a long time, however the gameplay never really changes much so you will likely loose interest before the end. Still, a good game to drift in and out off for fun.

With a laughable story, confusing characters and ridiculous mechanics...this is still up there as top 10 zombie fun there is.

The game balance is all over the place, so expect to use the carry on features often to level up your character, explore the map and interact with the incredibly diverse range of characters. The real characters in this being the many psychos throughout the game that make up the bosses.

To get the most out of the game you will need to level up and memorise the locations of weaponry and health items. Once you've gotten those down, then you can truly experience everything that Deadrising has to offer.

The original and the legend. With updated graphics and some nice new additions to the game, resi still holds up today for new and old fans alike. Survival horror at it's best, you will not be going guns blazing into the action, but likely awkwardly running away with classic tank controls.

An amazing game for it's time, but has since lost its allure with the sequels improving on it greatly. The story is good, though will not take long to complete. The real reason to pick this game up, even now, is to check out the community content available.

Excellent game in a classic resident evil style. Suffers from a few odd puzzles and obscure progression paths, but the game play and typical Resi B rate horror flick story makes up for it. If you enjoyed Resi 1-3 then this is an updated version with a few quality of life improvements and some unique single player coop features within.

Very good game with some odd difficulty spikes, but it's the many bugs and glitches that keep it from a higher score. None of these are game ending (though some are infuriating and others...well there was basically no sound outside of the guns for most of my play) and there are fixes available, so make sure to check those out if you want the best experience.