While i got the ending b, i can say i sorta finished Dead Rising 1 and got a gist of it at the very least. I really enjoyed this game, truly one of the most unique games i've played. Gameplay is as advertised: you really get to use anything in the environment against the zombies, plus slaying them has never been more fun. Also the time management aspect added an interesting aspect where i had to manage whether to save someone or focus on the story. Game's without its annoying moments for sure tho, since there were instances of frustrasting bosses so i resorted to minichainsaws for those encounters, and the iconic dumb survivors are as dumb as they say. Also the zombie numbers is outright insane how the hell they pulled this off i'll never know.
Either way, game absolutely earns its replay value plus the knowledge of the layout of the shopping mall will come in handy for future playthroughs. Very fun game.

UPDATE: Got the true ending and thoughts still stand, didnt care for the final boss but Overtime mode was certainly interesting but i will stick with 72hour mode for now.

Almost the exact same as the X360 game but now it has motion controls (and feels better to play, no need for character switch in story mode and seems built around it).

What a weird PS1 game (in all the good ways), had a great time with it. Story is certainly unique, with the usual twists and turns. Gameplay loop is pretty good, it is as simple as "look for a way out while there's monster lurking around ready to maul you and your companion" with locked doors/key searching, chose to stick with the default companion but it's nice to know that the other companions offer something different. Game looks pretty good, and surprisingly has varied environments considering it mainly takes place underground (might suffer from some long hallways though) and, last but not least, this game is scary as sin (almost gave me a heart attack at times). Nice replay value with the different companions you can take alongside you too, looking forward to seeing how the outcome of the adventure changes with them. Such a thrilling experience.

This game was pretty good! Story was great, fun cast of characters, an incredible atmosphere, and of course the cutscenes are astounding for a PS1 game. Gameplay wise it got a sick blend of PS1 horror and exploration with (strategy?) JRPG. Music was good, but the boss theme just like Suikoden 1 got old halfway through; of course Koudelka had the decency of having a final boss theme lol. That being said while combat was neat, i can't deny it had some rough patches, like by the end i barely paid attention to the formation stuff (felt like it was safer to group the 3 together and go all out) and started to favour magic attacks. When it comes to endings, while i got the "bad" ending i felt as though it was a more satisfying outcome than the actual "good" ending.

Man is this a really, really (really!) flawed game, first impressions were downright chaotic, started on Normal but after seeing how the encounters were designed with common enemies like the raptors taking half of your damn HP (their lack of windup in their attacks didn't help either) decided to dial it to Easy, just so i could have a fighting chance. Awful camera angles and nonsensical platforming with barely sense of depth, lul story, one can see now why it's got the "stinky" reputation, but, just like with DMC2, i also can't deny i got some enjoyment out of it especially after that abhorrent start. Yes the game did start to grow later on since the jetpack provided an interesting approach to combat plus the WASP drones were fun to use (also serving as keys), biggest issue being you will be mostly shooting the dinos offscreen most of the time since, again, awful camera angles, which won't be doing any favours. Visually the game holds up, the cutscenes were fun to watch and the ost is good as well. Exploring the ship ended up being a fun endeavor though: changing the formation, which in turn affected the level layout was a neat inclusion. In addition, the elimination meter provided an interesting approach to exploration since it gave you an interesting choice to make: do i keep killing dinos for points or go to the save point and cash the meter for points? It was thrilling to go on long stretches without saving in order to maximize the elimination meter and get the most points (saved like 42 times lol, was afraid of messing up with my upgrades somewhere). So yeah, would i go around recommending this game? Well no, but i also wouldn't be totally against replaying it.

Tried my best to give it a fair chance (gave it like 6 chances or more tbh) but it just can't hold my interest to the point i can tolerate and keep up with its bullshit. Melee combat can be a mess (swing, back off, swing and repeat), some cheap moments, can run like ass at times and the checkpoint system (on og xbox) is nonexistent. Nice level design and customize options tho.

What a great and fun game. Got mostly good things to say about it so i'll start with the elephant in the long hallway: yes the game has a bunch of unnecessarily long hallways and while personally they were a mild annoyance, i can't blame others who dislike these. That being said, rest assured that the game offers interconnected areas, shortcuts and places you'll come back to since one of the main mechanics (ID) also act as "keys" to other new areas, and lastly the story is kinda meh but it has its moments and something about Hector's heroic attitude and language that i simply can't get enough of. Now what does it do well? Well for starters, the melee combat with summons is such a delight, every summon has a different purpose inside and outside the battle, you got heal summons, sword summon, magic summon. Bosses are incredibly fun and they're consistently fair, now if you're afraid of them being easy do not fret as you can add a new layer of challenge in the form of stealing. Stealing is a mechanic that will net you some rare material which brings me to crafting which to be frank can be a bit convoluted at first but at the same time its so vast that you can create some unique weapons/armor with the right materials. Music is just splendid, magnificent, and other words i can think of to praise it. Overall, it was such a fun experience that i wasn't expecting to enjoy it so much.

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Very good horror game, kinda great i'd say. The OG RE-isms were apparent with stuff like the item management and the savepoints (as long as savebro Abdul is there, you can save indefinitely and he serves as the game's item box). Combat was good fun, incorporating a "choose-which-limb-to-aim-at" which some bosses made fun use of it. Of course melee will be made redundant at some point (you only have the bat i believe) and you'll have to mostly rely on gunpower. Atmosphere was yummy, barely any music outside of certain sections, only you and the sounds of footsteps. Story was neat but during the last half it started to lose me with Darrien conveniently getting knocked out so you'd have an excuse to switch to the 2nd character and i had no idea what the deal with the thief's identity was (like maybe they referenced it very early on but kinda smells of very rushed i have no idea)

As a whole it was... okay? Gunplay/controls were hard to get used to, the psychic? (Game's world is too obsessed with its own vocabulary there's literally a keword glossary lol) powers were fun and the mission design is varied, a little too varied i might say tho: escort mission, solo, squad, etc., the one i enjoyed the most was trying to spot the hidden aliens disguised as civilians at the very least. Story was good actually, a fun cast of characters (i hope they show up in CS2). Bosses can be either pretty bad or decent (the alien tree boss was atrocious) and at least its got NG+ (i think) so maybe itll be a bit more funner there? But yea aight game that needs lots of polish.

It was indeed a good game. Compelling puzzles to solve (i'm talking screaming out loud OH RIGHT when solving them) and the diagetic, impecable FromSoft atmosphere is still present. A very nice plot with a very nice payoff (IF you find all the astral pieces/put all troubled souls to rest). Level design is tight, exploring the mansion proved to be a fun affair, and the light switch mechanic is still engaging. While the past stories of the ghosts themselves were still interesting, i did feel like their struggles didn't feel as personal as EN1's ghosts, all of them still felt like they had a small role in the main plot (not a knock against it, its something a bit different from EN1 which i appreciate here). Also, i would say that as a con, some puzzles started to tread into the obtuse side (like wearing a lab coat of specific lads to fool an NPC or the piano puzzle). Managed to creep me a couple of times as well with the aggressive spirits. All in all, very good stuff.

I could excuse the controls if it kept the character switch mechanic in some way or at the very least enemies weren't giant enemy sponges. Music is reused, camera is really up close, offscreen attacks. A big step backwards even taking into account this was made for handhelds, might be kinda fun to replay at least in the first levels since the enemies are piss easy. Not worth trying to finish it legitimately.

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This game was a mixed bag, i appareciate this game not trying to exclusively copy Tenchu but instead adds some spin to it in the form of a slight focus on platforming. But maaan these controls are not good for the task: for instance you have to be careful not to hold the stick during tricky places or the main character can start spriting and taking off like a fucking racing jet. In addition, the platforming sections and bosses could range from downright atrocious to pretty ok (Snake Charmer was such an awfully designed fight). When the game is doing the usual Tenchu stuff it's fun actually. Soundtrack was pretty good and story was enjoyable. I wouldn't oppose to a remake to this game.

Such a splendid and stupidly fun game (can get quite tough as well). Has an engaging combat system and the use of slowmotion through VFX coupled with meter management was a rather interesting one. Soundtrack and level design were really good with its certain standouts. Maybe a few hiccups here and there (like some timed sections) and checkpoint system not being for the faint of heart. And, while the last stretch was some challenging stuff, it was also hard for me to quit playing. Consistent goodness.

One of the weirdest games i've played so far. You have 2 playable character with their own versions of the events: Gokurakumaru and Oyuri.
Goku's combat (which is like the focus of his story mode) is not very good but can still find some fun in that unrefinement, and the character was such a delight/fun presence, contrasted with the game's eerie mood.
Oyuri's ranged-focused side was better, makes you feel like a powerhouse yet they somehow make you feel powerless because the horror atmosphere later on was on point (which was also 100% unexpected).
Level structure was fine i guess (go from point a to point b), you can backtrack of course yet i didn't find a reason to do so... but it's there. Enjoyed the story, was expecting an average story but quite the contrary, plus some interesting characters and plot points. Good music, can go from exciting to mysterious or creepy scores. So far, could be one of the most unique PS2 games i've played.

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Pretty ok game, started out really boring and picked up later on. There's stuff to enjoy but there's also stuff that might rub others the wrong way. Nice blend of shooter and melee gameplay tho, even if it didn't feel necessarily great to control but at least i enjoyed unlocking/using all the other moves, parrying the mechninjas is pretty fun (fuck yalls skill tree tho!). Meh soundtrack and level design. Story was ehm fine? This game tonally... i was confused, it was hard to tell if it was being quirky or serious. Some fun bosses in there as well (Sniper chick and Richter were my favs). That being said, holy hell is the XB1 port quite messy, had 5 close to 6 crashes in total (didn't make it to 10 crashes though, sad!), cutscenes glitch/sync out if you pause, voices being cut off etc etc. Since the game loves to be quirky and funny, i'm going to be quirky as well and rate it 6 hard game crashes out of 10. Oh well shame, this'll never get patched and best i'll get it from now on is some memes in the game/dev's Twitter page