Best Single-Player campaign of the franchise but the multiplayer mode has been ruined by it’s narrow stages with no alternative routes which makes boxing the other team in way too easy, locking most of its content behind limited time events and poor patches that don’t address the main issues at hand.

A solid foundation for the future but I don’t think that’s enough for a full price release with 6 years of development. The peaks of frontiers are some of the highest in the franchise but the lows are so bad and unpolished, updates 1 and 2 addressed a lot of issues I had but update 3 was absolutely awful and that makes me worried for the future of 3D sonic. The vocal themes are great but the music Otherwise is really forgettable.

not fully sure of where I’d rank the game but I’d say I loved every aspect of it except the music and special stages. Felt like a worthy follow-up to to mania and the classics which I was worried it would’ve be given the new artstyle and reputation of the team.

Really love the combat of this game, the story is a little all over the place but the writing is great and every character is super likeable, especially Kat herself. The gravity mechanic is unlike anything I’ve ever seen in a game before, it’s super fun to be able to walk under the world or on the side of a building. The music is great and really matches the theme of the town you’re in.

My favourite 2D Mario game, the physics feel great and that combined with the great level design gives the gameplay a really nice flow that no other 2D Mario has really matched for me. The music is iconic and the whole play set up is a really fun idea that separates it from other games in the franchise

Awful story by writers who have no right trying to do a serious plot, Classic sonic feel like shit compared to mania, modern sonic’s levels are super basic and can mostly be boosted though and in 2D sections the camera is too zoomed out to see anything and the same applies to the avatar and their weapons

The lack of an engaging story is disappointing after the first game but the gameplay is just as good and the stages are possibly better than the first game, this game deserves to be on Switch with the first game. Also the music is also still amazing

My favourite game of all time. Best story in a mainline Mario game, greatest OST in the series, really great levels and tight controls.