172 reviews liked by BlueHermes

Extremely grindy, Extremely slow, Extremely boring.

The concept of these games is based on grinding, collecting Pokemons and Levelling them up, Which is the worst part of any RPG game ever !
Seriously, I believe the only reason any person would like this game is Purely due to nostalgia, I Personally never had any childhood with Pokemon, i didn't like the anime (I was a Yu-Gi-Oh kid) and didn't play any of the games till now.

I will give it that the music can sometimes be good, And i was having fun for the first hour or something while exploring the wilderness for the first time, But it got old and repetitive pretty quickly.

I will give it a 1.5/5

Local italian plumber causes chaos in the kingdom after getting stoned on some weird mutated mushroom,

Witnesses claim he started jumping over pedestrian heads while throwing molotov cocktails at anyone who approached him,

Officer K. Boswer who was present at the scene, claims that the suspect kept going from building to building searching for his "Peach" and "Princess" which he insisted was taken from him, It was later found our that it's the nick-name for his daughter which tragically lost her life a few weeks ago when their pet turtle accidentally pushed a hammer over her head.

The suspect's brother Luigi claims that his brother was in a mentally unstable condition after the incident and pleads innocent to all the charges presented against him.

Many are saying Dark Souls is very hard of the videogames variety. Many are saying "prepare to die!", including the devs. I'll die a lot! I don't know what that means. I don't understand why that's always the first thing anyone says about "DarkSouls: Prepare to Die Edition".

There's a fine balance to strike somewhere between random obtuseness, long walks along the beach of jank, and keeping the sense of accomplishment. Personally I think this is way too far on the bullshit scale. I don't think my experience would be any less rewarding by having a spawn point 20 seconds near a boss instead of 2 minutes. I don't think I would have beaten this game if I didn't refer to my Council of 6-7 Friends Who Have Played Dark Souls Many Times (we all have them) - not for any lack of mechanical skill, but just because the amount of random bullshit systems and non-recorded directions are enough to fry the brain of anyone trying to go in truly blind, which is what I did the first two times I tried to get into this nearly a decade ago. Partially that's by design - I feel like much of this game is meant to run on word of mouth and playground rumors, which, yknow, is cool, but it also means once that word of mouth dies out (and the devs turn off online lol) it feels insurmountable to process with only 1 brain.

My least favorite bits were menuing through 8 layers of PS3 UI to understand shit, shuffling through weapons to spend extra time trying to avoid spending other more extra time going through 7 caves of enemies I've already killed to get to the same boss again. I didn't like that. Interacting with any part of the inventory, be it items or equipment, feels extremely unpolished. It's like it was one guy coming up with one idea for a menu and them just implementing it without ever trying it out. I don't get that. I still feel like I barely understand half the stats or equipment systems. "You need to get some soft humanity bro" - actual sentence uttered by a Dark Souls Player, who expected other human beings to understand. Imagine my bewildered face when I press the Kindle button and some asshole dares tell me I don't "have the Rite of Kindling" - why the hell that button there then! Who made this! What the hell is "poise"!?

My favorite bits (aka the bits that are good, and if you disagree you are stupid) were the one that encouraged exploring, interacting with the world and feeling like an adventurer. Seeing vistas for the first time, connecting paths in your brain via shortcuts and understanding mechanics unique to each area. That's what was really good. I played this almost in spite of the core gameplay. To me they should make Dark Souls Prepare To Look Around edition! Just kidding. Ehe. (。・ ω<)ゞ

There's also like entire areas that feel just kinda... uh.. like a bit cancerous... like.. unfinished cancer tumor... in my brain. At one point I one-tried 3 bosses in a span of 20 minutes just kinda running through an area that looked like a GM in an MMO had spawned monsters as a prank - specifically 50 dragon asses standing around in a lake. I didn't really like that. I can't really say I hated it, because I was in and out of the whole area in less than an hour, but it definitely wasn't a "good videogame" moment.

The first thing people should tell you about this game is that it's beautiful and pretty, and that it has cool bosses. Not how hard it is or how you should only be allowed to beat it naked with big club or it wasn't real. That's my hot take of the day.

Ape Escape 3 is that comfort game I return to whenever I feel down. It's the sugar coated wonderland of games that is here to show you a good time and make you smile. I love this game and it's without a doubt one of my favorites of all time.

A couple of bullshit moments but otherwise the most interesting boss roster in the series. Has an etherial atmosphere that I feel only the PS3-limited graphics can afford even over Bloodborne. Has a stronger commitment to the JRPG aspects than others in the series, forcing you to experiment with different stats and builds to hard-counter enemies, which in turn makes the message system extremely useful (emulating online play is a must). Only Dark Souls 2 came close to that but sacrificed a lot of what made DeS/DaS enjoyable to actually play and look at.

Fun fact: I played this on release when everyone started talking about it but got barely any further after killing the first boss. I beat every other Soulsborne game pretty much in order, until recently coming back to finish this one. This might be my favourite game in the entire series.

Il classico gioco che per il prezzo che ha inevitabilmente va a generare una percezione negativa, nonostante l'evidente potenziale. Il problema sta tutto nei suoi limiti, il gioco è completamente lineare, ha zero salti e i movimenti limitati e ripetitivi sia nell'esplorazione che nel combattimento, seppur dinamico, inevitabilmente annoia. Magari non tanto nel combattimento quanto nel suo essere limitante nell'esplorazione che a sua volta è eccessivamente complicata per via di un mondo poco intuitivo. Un gioco troppo vecchio con una estetica che abbellisce ciò che richiama. Non me la sento di valorizzarlo, ma rimango curioso per aggiornamenti futuri (personalmente credo che si debba ricercare una maggiore linearità e semplicità nella soluzione dei puzzle, aumentando eventualmente la difficoltà nei combattimenti o eventualmente nelle fasi di platforming -mettendole e migliorando ovviamente i movimenti-)

It's really good, but I feel like its size works against it at points. The cave dungeons don't really entice me, the amount of boss reuse sure is something, but it's all packaged with so much of FromSoft's typical bombast and extremely tight design such that the high moments of Elden Ring far eclipse its lows. Radahn is one of the coolest characters they've ever made

some of the best games ive played fully utilise the interactive medium to immerse the player into it's world, characters, and get across meaning, with fear and hunger being probably one of, if not the best example ive ever seen in a game doing this and absolutely perfecting this, the ludonarrative harmony created by the completely unfair dominating world filled with a dark and oppressive atmosphere, with every mistake you do booting you to the title screen with scarce saving, always keeping you on edge and a constant stream of anxiety for the next possible failure lying in wait, making it clear to the player that this is not a world built for them, and yet, the player has the ability and want to keep pushing further and harder, gaining more and more knowledge every attempt until finally reaching the (actual) end goal. this approach aids the developer into creating a commentary on human nature, that despite the fragility of the human body (through the mental torment endured by the player and possible lost limbs along the way) the human spirit is capable of persevering, with the player by the end of the game having felt and experienced this fact of life, a rather bright conclusion found from the desolate world of fear and hunger.