Doom Eternal and Crash Bandicoot's lovechild

Take Serious Sam and mix it with Banjo Kazooie.

One of the most original crossovers ever made. Gameplay is dated and slow, but the story is well... Simple and Clean


It's okay and WAY too overrated

Great game. I'm currently replaying it but for some reason it isn't as fun as the first time I played it

The best 3D Mario game out there... yet.

Still great after all these years

One of my favorite games. I like the contrast between the two halves of the story (Killing for no reason vs killing for answers). It's also genius how the developers connected them

Not as good as the original, which is perfect

The first one is better in terms of gameplay, immersiveness and enemy variety.

The weakest one in the Half Life 2 trilogy

Even better than the latter half of the main game's campaign

Had a lot of fun with this when I was a kid