Legit only played this for Zach Hadel's voice acting. Everything else was extremely mediocre. Justin Roiland's voice was so annoying after the first 30 minutes, that I debated turning it off. The music also sucked, really bad. The combat and everything else was mediocre. The story was so bland, and conceptually generic that I only reacted when they did something "bad enough" to react to.

I loved the combat and the movement. The story was such a slog though. The pacing (especially with miles and martin Li) was so bad. And having venom and kraven as both being main villains is such wasted potential because both of them are so powerful, and deserving of their own game... kraven just felt under utilized. I think this game just does great set up for a future game

Cute Puzzles. Some of the solutions were confusing and convoluted. But it was entertaining throughout my experience. The last few levels were really trippy and very cool looking.


The game that got me addicted to gambling

This might be the best videogame remake I have ever played. I did not think they can improve on RE4, but they did. They removed shitty segments, and added in new things to keep older players on the edge of their seats. This was wonderful, and reignited my passion for resident evil. Hopefully they can fix up 5 and I want code veronica now >:(

My favorite genre of games is survival horror. When I saw Dead Space's spiritual successor get bashed with mediocre reviews, I had to try it for myself. And oh my god. If there was a game as devoid of any feelings and actual creativeness, it would be this. Enemies feel bland, and the combat is repetitive. The entire time I never created new weapons. The surroundings look like a ps3 game with really really good graphics. In fact, the graphics is probably the only thing I can positively say about this game, the combat (at times) is fluid, and everything looks pretty real ig. The story is an actual spit in the face, with so many holes and unexplained reasonings that left me taking day long breaks from this game. Don't do it.

I really didn't like Death Stranding when I played it originally. I came back 4 years later, trying to see what people liked about the game.

I loved everything Death Stranding was trying to be, but Kojima just didn't connect and polish everything enough for me to give it anything higher than a 4.

The combat was amazing, the true battle sections were colorful and tasteful. The vehicles were a tad janky, but worked great. Map traversal was awesome, but sometimes a little too "old school" with the trial and error. I loved the horror aspects in particular (survival horror is my jam), and the BT sections were awesome.

However, the story just felt a little disjointed. Like Kojima was trying to tell me something, and I guess he did... just didn't draw out what exactly I need to get out of it. The whole sections with Cliff felt a little out of place, and I don't really like how they resolved his arc. Wonderful character though. Which character I loved through and through though- HIGGS. He was amazing. A thorough villain, and not purposefully evil becuase he likes to go mwah ha ha.

Some of the character development was stagnant for a good chunk of the game, and then immediately went into overdrive (Deadman & Die Hardman). I had no real problem with it,,, but I know Kojima can write better than that.

As a PS Exclusive, I'd tell people to try it out. It's a game you'll either love or hate. I mean, it's not the last of us,,, or snake eater. But it's insanely creative, wonderfully put together, and entertained me from the beginning to end. It's not just a walking simulator... remember that.

Pikmin is the best nintendo franchise ever, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. Pikmin 1 is so full of glitches... but its so easy to look past that. It's charm and aesthetic is surreal. And the exploration and world design is amazing. The pikmin AI is really bad, and the jank leads to angering restarts and replays of days/boss fights. I love pikmin 1 with my heart, but god is it hard to play sometimes.

meh,,, One of the coolest environments and settings in recent video gaming. predictable story, and almost offensively stereotypical. cool ending twist tho, and the combat was ROUGH, but when it felt good, it felt good (problem is, it felt good closer to the end)

The peak of pikmin gaming. The way you discovery treasure is amazing, plus the use of different pikmins feels natural, like youre not just using janked controls. Also, the pikmin's AI is so much better, and the combat is a lot more forgiving (except the empress bulbax, RIP). One of the best nintendo games ever, finally on my switch.