my sweet prince. gone before the world can understand your power : (

So I cannot tell whether or not I am stupid for actually enjoying my time with this game. Before I start: all the arkham fanboys need to chill out- Batman being domed by Harley Quinn is not a disservice to Kevin Conroy. If anything, the really short bossfight is a disservice (but its just an issue with the whole game, not just batmans).

People who are playing A LIVE SERVICE LOOTER SHOOTER for the story are schmucks bro. I thought everyone knew this story was going to be bad, or at least meh... and you know- it makes up for it in the combat. Although the bossfights are kinda meh (except the final 2). The character interactions are funny and the suicide squad actually feels like a squad.

Gunplay is surreal and so cool. Movement... movement from a AAA game hasn't felt this cool in a long time. I played as harley quinn- and her moveset is the most boring one- but it was still really fluid. I saw the vids for joker's gameplay and movement and I am really excited.

MY BIGGEST GRIPE: is the really poor mission design. It's the thing that really holds me off of like actually enjoying this more than I wanted to. The non-boss missions are like 5 minutes... sometimes even like 2 minutes. And it takes ~2-4 minutes to travel halfway across the map for the quests. Granted, I finished this game in about 15 hours, so I was never bored out of my mind.

The bugs were also wild too. I had to restart the game like 15 times... hopefully we get a patch. Also my pre-order bonuses never arrived (until today).

In all honesty, i would wait until like a summer sale to play this game (so it could be like 40 dollars maximum). it was really fun, and great with friends. I hope the seasons and post launch content can sway the negative nancys.

Repetitive Gameplay, and an okay story.

Server issues aside, this is one of the most entertaining and interesting co-op PVE shooters ever. The entire feel, the chaotic nature, and the brutal difficulty makes this an awesome time. I know this game is only 2 weeks old for now, but some new content would be killer, although what we have now is plenty. Also... premium battle pass : ( . and the fact that you can buy currency that you can already earn in game pisses me off. AWESOME GAME that i will probably play for quite a while!

The story is so rich and in depth. The characters are so dynamic and well written. The twists and turns were legitimately so original, I could not predict anything. Your choices not only have direct consequences but long term effects as well. This is a masterclass on story telling. The gameplay was incredibly fun, and oddly nervewracking for a text-based game. This is one of the best stories I've ever seen. Also the politics were so nuanced and intricate. It really made the world felt lived in and that it really "exists". Anyone interested in "history" or "politics" (in the fictional scheme of things) needs to play this game.

The gameplay was amazing. The additional powers you can get are really cool. The world and setting was super well made. It felt all "lived in". The story was also great... when it wasn't really disjointed. My biggest issue was how loosely fitting everything was. It all felt like it was 1 step away from not making sense at all. But I would recommend it.

I tortured myself for 40~ hours, here are all my problems:
- the combat is way too repetitive (sorry DMC fans) and it lacks any actual strategy
- the bosses were just way too easy, even on hard mode, and they were just HP dummies who i had to waste 5-15 mintues on.
- hard mode wasn't hard, it just felt like they gave the enemies more hit points
- the equipment and gear customization is way too bland
- the hideout areas/open areas are way too boring and just feel shitily put together
- there is no incentive for exploring.
- the characters are so underdeveloped (side point: a large part of the plot is legit just game of thrones)
- the story is actual dookie, with useless characters being brought up and killed, and villains who were never truly introduced being introduced out of nowhere
- deaths i feel no care for, like legit they just happen... like cmon now
- ending boss was wayyy too monotonous and boring, like the last 3-4 hours I just had to like resist not skipping the cutscenes.
- this feels like an average open world game from 2015... it's no longer 2015.

ok im editing this because I actually liked the cutscenes,,, like the fully CGI ones.

Really cool combat mechanics, but with really flat filler content. Fetch Quests galore, while the quests can get stale, the game is filled to the brim with personality. A creative approach to the genre.

TOTK is a general improvement over BOTW's design. I thought BOTW was okay, but it's additions of bland open world held me back.

TOTK's inclusion of the Sky Islands was amazing. I think the duality of the highs and Lows of the world give great verticality in exploration. I cannot say the same thing about the depths though. I personally thought the depths were bland and were generally uninspired (felt like zelda on "hard mode).

Exploration in this game is legit on steroids. I spent my first 20 hours not even doing any main quests. I got my paraglider 10 hours in because I was too invested in the world. The call of the wild (no pun intended) was so refreshing and I felt inspired by all of it.

However, I think the dependency on towers just makes the game wayyy too similar to other, lesser games, like the far cry series. With the discoveries, I also felt like there was a lot more to do (although the shrines were mega easy).

Combat was slick and smooth, and even with my underpowered weapons, I felt extremely powerful. I personally thought fusing was meh, and just a weird excuse to become "creative" and keep in durability.

Another BIG GRIPE: building. It's boring. I got really bored of it after 15 hours. It felt like a crutch, where I see the materials given to me and I already know what I have to build. The middle part of the game, when I actually started doing the story, really started to bore me out. It felt too much of a repeat of the last game. In fact, when the game isn't building off of the last game, it's just rehashing previous ideas that "worked".

It's a great game, but just something that feels ephemeral in its design.

I played all mainline english games, and every time one of the people showed up on my screen I was like "oh! I remember you!", "OMG! Yay! I loved that game!", or "Oh... it's you again". I heard that this game was supposed to come out in 2020 or smthn for an anniversary, and that's what it feels like. While the story is nothing to gawk at, the old school gameplay-feel is back. Very cool, very swag!

i haven't enjoyed a game like this in forever. one of the best platformers I have ever played.


This is the greatest game ever made

we have papers please at home.
Papers please at home:

Mega enraging, not that good tbh, but respectable

This game is the greatest definition of why I love Katamari. Unlike games like the new zelda or God of war Ragnorok, where progression and doing things feel like a chore, I was excited to get through more levels the more I played. This game is full of child like wonder and pure love for absolute creativity. This game is the pinnacle of naivety and creativity all working together.

I loved the original game, and this is just an improvement. it looks better, it plays better it's just better. The addition of royal reverie also rocks. This game is a must play, and one of the greatest games is finally ported onto modern consoles.