This review was written before the game released

I hate this game and I never want to touch it again (i have 400 hours on it, and have no plans to ever stop playing it)

I LOVE PLATFORMING. messed up RNG tho. Some of the spawns were brutal. If you want a challenge and a few holes in your walls, be my guest.


Awesome Atmosphere, Awesome visuals, but that's about it... sub par puzzling, and a really weird ending that was mehhh

Great! Played this cuz of pizza tower, and I was not let down.

Fun skateboard game with ANGER INDUCING CONTROLS. it was fun, but sometimes my worst enemy was the left thumb stick, and the fact that the square button had no purpose PISSES ME OFF. it's still fun and has it's charm

The platforming was fun, the combat was uh, not the best. I was loving this, until the final lava area. That area was an absolute stinker. Everything else was good.

FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN. The ring-collecting game was not that bad. It was Cliche but in a very good way. Fun april fools day joke, ty daddy Sega

Rock and Stone!
Fun, co-op. Hard AF on harder difficulties, but its a satisfying grind. Go for it, if you're thinking about this game

pretentious, hotline miami did it better

This was actually awesome. It had so much character and passion (something I didn't really feel in most new releases). Knack 2 still solos. also Kero Kero Bonito supremacy

legit just average "get over it"-esque. but with janky controls

Mid gameplay but one of the best war stories I have ever had the pleasure of playing in a video game. Although the story was phenomenal, that does not excuse the gameplay being too clunky and janky at times. And the rage the weird enemy AIs have is crazy because either theyre brain dead or theyre like Pro FAZE members, I swear.

it's okay. cool concept, weird execution

the worst controls I have played with in a LONG TIME. shit was rough (ruff)

This was the legitimate defintion of blah. this game had (like a lot of modern games) great potential with the atmosphere, and the God of War combat, but it floundered it all. The gameplay was repetitive, repeititive bosses, and upgrading that didnt really seem to matter. it was such a slog... and i was really dissapointed in this all. And the middle part of the game made me want to uninstall it, so i used IGN to track my progress to keep myself pushing forward. If you want brainless fuckery, be my guest. I can't believe the story was this bad either, holy hell. and the grover cleveland cameo in the end?!?!?!?! And Harrow being a bitch and a half that was barely resolved. One word: Dissapointing.