I wish there was a heat action that used a cement + barrel combo to defeat your enemies.

"Are you some kind of psychopath?"
Words spoken before death.

Yakuza Kiwami 2, I love you, but damn you for putting me through this absolute abomination of pixels and computer bits.

Love Spinal. All my homies love Spinal.

I once played this game at a friend's house and I decided to beat my friends (in the game) using a controller that looks like it's been inside a coffin for 10000 years. I lost but the fact I lasted in those matches speaks to my adaptability skills.


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Truly one of the hardest choice games ever. My ass has to pick between Aphrodite my beloved or Dionysus my boy, my homeboy my straight up king.

E-Sports competitions wouldn't like the t-bagging mode.

Still recovering the trauma from fighting Shaggy players.

Me and my friend retrying the same level over and over again to create the perfect heist that is both smooth and silent, only for the vault to blow the alarm regardless of how perfectly stealthy we were.

Screw that one guy who sold me a copy of Wii Sports Resort but instead of having the actual game, had Wii Sports. That or bless him cause this game is still a masterpiece.

Got the Star Wars bundle for 10 dollars in the same year it came out. Best deal I've ever found.

Better web swinging that Marvel's Avengers Spider-Man.

Still odd that it has three separate campaigns when it should've had one massive crossover campaign. Makes way more freaking sense for a crossover game doesn't it?

That one match where all my teammates accidentally clipped to the walls while the Predator self destructed himself and I was the only survivor.

I still think the concept of a Transformers game where you can fully customize your transformer and pick what you transform sounds insanely awesome. Why is it only on the DS though?