154 reviews liked by Bruhcat

This game is like getting bad head behind the Denny's near the highway: It feels good for a bit until you realize you might've contracted something, and then you spend the next few days with your dick hurt. I blame the level design, she blames the lack of protection.

That vampire pussy got me acting up. For real though, you spend a year and a half in prison and you really learn the value of the good goosh goosh. I used to dream of it... now I only dream of eating canned vegetables in the Publix restroom. This game is great if you like casual murder.

Talking flowers, really?

This series has been around for god knows how long and the kids who grew up with the original game on the NES are old enough now to collect social security. So why does the series continue to go for the kiddie audience instead of appealing to his actual fans, the adults? Think of how awesome a Mario game where he swears and uses mushrooms like drugs would be. Such a shame that the lazy devs don’t understand what the real fans want.

I can see why a lot of people love this but damn it just didn't click with me. It has a lot of the qualities from the previous game but it also has a lot of the problems too. What really bogs this game down to me is the fact that half of the stages are ass.
The Tails stages are honestly more fun than I remember but they still can be a pain in the ass because of the slower pace and the clunky controls, I just wish they were like the Tails stages in the previous game where you play through the Sonic stages while being able to do some crazy shortcuts with Tails's flying ability.
Knuckles stages can fuck off. SA1 Knuckles stages were smaller and the radar could detect all 3 emerald pieces at the same time. SA2 Knuckles stages are fucking gigantic and the radar only detects one emerald at a time, making the search for the emerald pieces absolutely tedious, sometimes lasting for more than 10 minutes because the hints are mostly useless.
Again, I can see why people love this game, despite all the problems I still like SA2 and I do think it has a lot of heart put into it, which is something most modern Sonic games... don't. The Sonic stages are great, they are fun and fast and everything I wanted. The Chao Garden is amazing and a big improvement from the original. The soundtrack is great stuff, and it's definitely a more iconic game compared to SA1 because of the story and new characters introduced. But those Tails and Knuckles stages really don't do this game service and started a trend of having multiple gameplay styles shoved into the same adventure mode that a lot of Sonic games would use... and for the worse. It kills the pacing and other games like Unleashed and Forces really suffer from that too. But I still like this one, even though I just rather play the original Sonic Adventure because it focuses only in one character per story and I just personally find it easier to pick up and play.

“life is simply unfair” how about i shove a snail up your ass huh how about that

i fucking hate eric and his stupid fucking face fuck you eric

its really funny how almost every detractor of modern kirby I've seen hasn't played this game lol

“Sigma… you’re the virtue’s last reward???”

did you know the unskippable map moving scenes take more than 1 whole hour total of this game

shut the fuck up quildewivy you like fate/stay night. you would not know what good writing is even if it rammed you at light speed

2 lists liked by Bruhcat