uh oh!!! brett favre stole the mommy milky again!!! in this game u play as john madden, as you chase brett favre running away from you because john madden's obsession with brett favre has finally taken him over.

put yourself in the sandalias of a 10 year old brazillian boy for just a second and you'll appreciate the corporate and sanatized representation of rio in all of it's malding avifauna glory. just kidding, you'll dislike it like a normal gamer and give it a score of 2 stars or less on your favorite website backloggd.com.

aw hell nah spunchbop got that goofy goober combo

a marvelous game that captures the essence of the mid and early 2000s, with it's techno music, glossy/clean appearance, and being voiced by a presumably attractive british lady wearing a crop top and ultra low rise jeans. ahem yea like i was saying adjusts tie this is an excellent 3d platformer

you know... the game is actually fine! just am not a huge fan of the trend of modern games looking 14% better than ps4 games but requiring a $3000 pc to play with the kind of performance any normal human being would deem acceptable.

The video game form of the weird lady at the family party who goes "I wiped your ass when you were a baby."

its okay i just didn't like it

splatoon 3 is fucking awesome. it is the most polished splatoon entry in the franchise, having a great story mode, the most balanced multiplayer experience thus far, permanent salmon run, looks great, and other qol features.

but you know what? every minute i spend playing this game, i go "you know im having a great time, but this is incredibly similar to splatoon 2... which was already very similar to splatoon 1... so why did i pay $60 for this?" and the reality is that i legitimately cannot come up with a good reason other than the fact that my friends bought it.

the game in a vacuum is amazing but it is so safe in it's "innovations" that i almost feel like its insulting to the word to call the new features innovative. the gameplay is fundamentally the same, however you have two new squid abilities and two new weapon types. you now have a usuable lobby instead of a shitty loading screen that would make you want to gouge your eyes out. you have a new campaign, and you have a new gacha card game you can play in the hub and uh... you can play salmon run all the time instead of whenever the game feels like you should be able to. and honestly, that is 90% of the game's changes from 2 to 3. i am not joking. changes that basically every other live service model game would serve as either dlc or a free update for an existing game are changes nintendo is charging their consumers $60 dollars for.

this is frankly insulting. im sure some people will go "uh well bubbles fifa madden and cod do the same thing" which is like, yes they do. however, those games' service models have been critisized in the gaming sphere for ages. second of all, the reality is that in the span those games are released and developed (1 year, maybe 2 or 3 in cod's case) making any truly innovative changes in a sequel should frankly be regarded as miraculous. in any case, the window between the release of splatoon 2 and 3 is 5 years, which i feel like is even worse. 5 years for the developers to realize "hey you know limiting salmon run to only whenever the fuck we want is a moronic, brainless, vacuous, slack jawed, knuckle dragging, sub 20 iq ass backwards dipshitted idea. we should charge the consumer $60 to have them be able to play it whenever." 5 years for the developers to go "hey the ink shield special is incredibly degenerate, horrible and ruins the balance of multiplayer that no one likes lets charge the consumer $60 to get rid of it" seriously suck my fucking dick. these changes are not innovations that warrant a sequel; and if they did, certainly not $60.

but im a fucking thumb sucker, so ill continue to shit my fucking diapy and play splatoon 3. because it is a fucking FUN game. nearly a 10/10 game wise but man fuck you nintendo.


Do you know what my favorite thing to do is in Minecrap? I love building bricks with Minecrap. Building bricks with Minecrap is the best thing and the most amount of fun you can have while playing an app. I understand why all the kids are playing this game these days -- it's because they like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. I also like to build brown bricks with Minecrap. It's the most fun you can possibly have. What is the point of Minecrap?

interesting story based game its good, i picked my nose throughout.

my dumbass sister had a high score of 249 on this godforsaken game for like 10 years UNTIL i BEAT her score today with an EPIC score of 255 get fucking destroyed okay yeah this game is mediocre doe.

sometimes i wish i wasnt such a brocolli haired zoomer fr fr no kizzy cus if i was a 90s asshat millenial and grew up with this garbage i'd probably be a productive member of society and maybe find a cure to cancer but instead i sit my thicc ass in front of the sofa angrily soy facing at the cringe waluigi wiggler guy who beat me in mario kart 8

sega really had to pull out all the stops on this one! after the brutal release of the sega GEMesis, sonic was already on life support. therefore, sega needed themselves a "third leg," to support their businesd, and i'm not referring to toe jam's penis that the game constantly references.

a cunning stunt of a game, and the stunning cunt of a dev team member is all they needed to create the perfect game. but it sucks so whatever. gonna order dominos now anyone want some?