Yes, I bought it for the Thomas. (Thomas is short for thick mommas, but y'all ain't ready for that conversation)

this game is fine but its kinda fucked up if you didnt spend $5 your penguin would forever be naked and ugly while every other penguin would shit on you wtf

roguelite roguelike roguesimilar roguesomewhat rogueshut the fuck up i dont care anymore. oh uh yea so enter my butthole is a fun shooter game where you run around as a little insignificant play figure where everything takes 300 gajillion shots to kill but u die if a table looks at you funny.

this game is bad and was made by overworked oompa loompas withdrawing from an obscene booger and ant smoothie addiction, would rather sit on a cactus then play this. actually no i wouldnt that would hurt but hopefully this literary device i used in this written review conveys the poor quality of another one of aaa's modern attempts of stealing $60 and using that money to wipe their asses with

okay confession time i would beat the shit out of stinky pete in sandbox mode cus of the shit he did in the toy story 2 movie despite him in the sandbox mode being a god loving law abiding citizen. yea he smokes grass, skips class and eats ass but he's still a christian.

guys shut up... yall are too loud im sneak KING around my house. why am i sneak KING around the house? well i was just wake KING up to my dog bark KING, as he was make KING a large racket in the house. it turns out, that a man hike KING nearby my house broke into it my place, and then started gawk KING at my beautiful bark KING dog. while yank KING my blanket off i run down the stairs and see the man look KING me right in the eyes. we start duke KING it out and unfortunately he starts whack KING at my face, then afterwards starts choke KING me by grabbing my throat. i am squak KING to get air in my lungs, then i start kick KING his balls to which he falls on the floor to get him off me. i then start shreik KING at the fact that this asshole broke into my house, presumably ransack KING it.

actually disapointed that mario did not infact drive the vehicle like a sports illustrated model like how the cover heavily implies.

what were they thinking????????????,?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

defacation is no joke, and neither is this game. buzz lightyear is back at it again in a flabbergasting ass blasting and hand clasping journey to save his stupid fucking idiot friend woody. truth be told if i were buzz i would let woody and his yeehaw ass rot in the dirt dude nearly killed buzz for stealing the heart of a kid sculpted out of playdoh.

this game is epoc


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play as the ever titular counter terrorist, john counter terrorist as you save the world from a funny explosion (i think the explosion is staged cus the fireball produced are just jpegs lol.) team up with various teenaged white supremacists and shout racial epithets at others all the while you miss a shot due to bad hit registration and first shot innacuracy due to bad game design.

you KNOW it's bad when it makes assassin's creed look like a fun game.

If Mario Paint has 41,664 dots available (judging from page 112 of the Mario Paint Player's Guide), and 15 different colors to choose from, then did you know that there are a total of 1,978,857,121,979,410,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 different possible images to create on a single page? That's a lot, eh? Just thought I'd tell you.

literally the worst game i ever played