Housemarque really got tired of waiting on Nintendo to make another Metroid Prime game and took matters into their own hands.

Initially amusing and interesting as an early 2000s gaming thought experiment, but wears thin pretty quickly.

Starts off strong and has some inspired ideas, but murky character motivations and a rushed final act hold Quarantine Circular back.

As an aside, I really like that this series exists and hope we get more someday.

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Where did he put all the excess dirt?

I think this is the best of what the first Dishonored game has to offer, with some large areas that are genuinely challenging and multiple ways to complete them.

Incredible atmosphere and investigative storytelling. I've found very few sources of dopamine more pure than seeing "Well done." on a green-grey screen after making a deduction.

Leaner and tighter than the main game. I really liked the level designs, especially the first two that give you a ton to do outside of the main objective. I wish the story was a little less lean though, your enjoyment of it will probably depend on how invested you already are in Dishonored's world.

Drags you along for far too much of the game with no idea what's going on, or why you should care.

I'm sure it's fine on other platforms, but this was unplayable on the Wii.

Tons of style and fun gameplay mechanics to play with. I really wish the world and story clicked more with me beyond just the vibes.

Of all the games from the now bygone era of QWOP-likes, this one has the most heart.

The soundscape of this game is so unique, I love it.

I am ashamed to say that I bought this just so I didn't have to replay the entire game to get access to the flying machine section for the platinum trophy.