I'm sorry but GoodFeel makes some ass games. Both of these new Yoshi games are so god damn boring, and 2D platformers with secrets is one of my favorite genres.

First half I was having a great time, then the game got even more bloated and I was over it. It got to the point where I wasn't doing any "open world tasks" and sprinting past all enemies in missions to get to the boss faster. Combat is fun at first but then comes a problem. If you play on Normal or Hard it'll feel like you're getting your ass kicked but yet you still win the fight. Your items/resources in this game are way too strong. I also have an issue with the bosses following a different set of rules then your own character, I thought everyone was a samurai? Bosses are allowed to and this is no exaggeration pull off 10+ hit combos and if you swing your sword 3 times you're little puny character is out of ki and your stance will get broken. But none of it matters because healing items are super generous and weapon infusement items and ki blaze are stupid strong. I think they should be balanced out a bit more, maybe provide the player less items or weaken them and maybe lower the bosses' combos from 10 to 7 hits? I was thanking the heavens when I beat this game because I wanted it to be over so badly.

KH1 is pretty clunky but one of my favorites and one of the most memorable games I've ever played

Only played it the one time when it came out but I remember it being pretty good. Not the same level as 2 obviously but pretty close to 3

Love this game, would be a perfect rating without the controls issues and jank

loved everything about this game - from the gym challenge to the minigames

3.5 only because of the soundtrack

Played on sonic gems collection. what the hell even is this