This game makes me feel meh. I felt it to be a little unnecessary and does little to improve upon Splatoon 2. At this point I play this game super super casually and every time I try to play a CASUAL NON RANKED turf war mode match it is FILLED with people that have 1,000+ hours in this game so all I do is get dominated. Go to ranked modes you fucking dorks. (Seriously, look at their switch profiles, I'm not exaggerating.)

Not as good as the greatest game of all time - BOTW, but obviously no game is. I hold BOTW to such a high regard this game actually disappointed me a lot, while also being a top 15ish game of all time for me. The only thing this game improved upon over BOTW was the bosses. This game no joke feels like glorified DLC to me. I think if this game only took 3 or 4 years to come out I'd give it more of a pass, but it was a 7 year gap between BOTW & TOTK, so I was expecting a bit more. To me they doubled down on the wrong parts, Ultrahand is hit and miss for me. The depths have to be the most useless thing ever created, it's basically a dark armor locker room. I'm saying a lot of negative things for this being one of the greatest games I've ever played....

Love this game. They tried to pad it a bit from the NES version but it's still a little too short, needs a few more bosses in my opinion too.

I don't have much to reference this game to because I only played Wild World on DS when I was much younger, but it's a super fun game. Came out at the perfect time and it was at it's best when you had a community of friends to play with. One thing that is super fucking annoying and seems super unnecessary was the fact that there's extra steps to transfer your island save data if you buy a new Switch. I did not realize that and lost all of my data, so my 80+ hours of gameplay gone and I will never play this one again.

Rockstar's gameplay is stuck in 2008. Probably a better game if you enjoy story in your video games, which in my case I usually don't prefer much of a story.

Best N64 game. This game has very few flaws, it still holds up today.

While still being a good game it probably is a little bit overrated. This game is super tedious compared to the 2D games. Traversal and backtracking is so slow and the enemy respawn is very annoying. It gets a little old after a while. I much prefer the 2D games.

One of the best Pokemon games I've played period. Keeps you coming back, excellent difficulty. Super impressive game

Hands down best Kirby game ever, and sleeper best games of 2022. I was shocked how much I liked this game

Fun for a little while, not enough to keep you invested and finish the game

Back when Microsoft actually made good games. This game is peak Xbox, from the online multiplayer to horde mode to the campaign. An all time great game

Always a great game to return to especially if it's in-between new game releases and looking for something else to play. No real complaints, one of the few games you can sink hundreds of hours into without getting bored.

First Mario Kart I played, it just does not hold up at all for me. I find it super hard to control compared to the other games. If I ever want to play Kart that's not 8 Deluxe the answer is always Double Dash.

I feel like this game got too big for it's britches. One of my favorite games ever several years ago, now it's way too bloated. Way too many survivors, killers, perks, etc. It's also turned too competitive but that is probably inevitable with the amount of hours you put into it. To me this game was at it's best when you and your friends were new players and the game still had the fear element to it. After hundreds or thousands of hours you become too good and it's not a horror game anymore, you're de-sensitized. It's a shame I'll never be able to play that version ever again.

Probably the best exclusive PS5 game, nothing about it really reinvents the wheel but it's Ratchet so who the fuck cares. Insomniac drop the super hero shit and make more of this please