The greatest video game ever created

First or second best game ever created

2D Mario is back. Only complaints are the main game is too easy and there isn't any boss variety. Other than that a basically flawless game

I prefer when RE is more survival horror than action but damn it this game is just too good.

Hard as piss and memorable as hell

Top 10 game of all time for me, a masterpiece

Why hasn't everyone on earth played this game?

Needs a smidge more combat and a smidge less story and it would be perfect for me, still an excellent game though. Super memorable

What's holding this game back believe it or not is Mario's movement, which is crazy because it's something Nintendo nails in every other 3D Mario game. I find the whole going upside down and camera bullshit to be annoying too, but it's not possible for a 3D Mario game to be bad. Still a fantastic game

You'd think Fromsoft made this game. Super high quality, game did get a little stale towards the end with the enemy density but other than that excellent game

If I could rate the first half of the game I'd do 5 stars. Second half of the game does a complete 180 and I would argue changes game genres. Keep Call of duty bullshit out of RE

Boring and slow as hell. Also hated missing out on quests because of the time passing mechanic. Not usually a performance snob and I'm not trying to be funny at all but this game genuinely makes my eyes burn when I play longer than 20 mins or so.