A great concept that feels like it needed a little more fleshing out in terms of challenges as Shrines and Dungeons leave a lot to be desired.

An absolutely fantastic game with great worlds, presentation and music. Almost perfect, but has a case of having a little too much to do in the game with a lot of filler content to pad out the star count.

The roster alone makes this too high to be an average score, but world of light is an absolute sour note on the game and the lack of more single player options hurts the game.

One of the best open world games I've played, swinging around New York is so much fun and the gadgets are a fun tool to mess with enemies in stealth and combat scenarios.

I don't think I like Rockstar games

Absolutely amazing game, combat is fun, music is great and the atmosphere of the world is unmatched.

Thank you Itsuno-san for exceeding my expectations.

This confirmed I don't like Rockstar games.

The beginning of my obsession with Kino

My brain isn't big enough to fully appreciate card mechanics, but playing as Riku is pretty raw.

Kino story, mediocre gameplay and mission structure.

Nothing says filler more than Re:Coded does, but the gameplay is a lot of fun and the mini games are cool. I'll always appreciate it for having Olympus Coliseum be a turn based battle system.

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The story is the pleb filter of the series. Most people will complain about the multiple Xehanorts being stupid, but the real issue with the story is that is poorly explains how the time travel works.

Generally I find that the worlds aren't as good as what is in other entries of the series, but flowmotion is a lot of fun to play with, even if it is absurdly broken.