I was enjoying it quite much, great exploration, backtracking, side quests, enviromental storytelling... but the later third of the game is a pain in the ass.
Some parts are NOT intuitive at all, I was always having to google things like where do I find that character, how do I get to that place. And to make it worse, they start throwing lots and lots of the same annoying repetitive enemies at us, and we don't even have the resources to fight them, so we just have to keep running past them without being able to pay attention at anything else around, in a way that at some point I just got tired of the game, gave up of the ramaining side quests and just wanted it to finish already.

Not in the mood for just wandering and reading tons of dialogue right now.

I can't bear the main characters. They are just whining all the time, they sound so unconvincing, all their interactions feels fake. I don't know if the problem is the acting or the writing, probably both, but damn the dialogues here are bad, it's like drama-written-by-AI.
And what a lazy gameplay. It's just the most boring and repetitive stealth mechanics and fifth-grade level puzzles. The walking simulator parts are actually the only enjoyable ones.
First game didn't annoy me that much, maybe because at least it felt a little fresh and with a more cohesive story. It's still a mediocre game, but this one feels worse.

O começo é até envolvente, o senso de novidade e possibilidade nos move, mas depois de algumas horas a gente vai perdendo o interesse na história, e o jogo continua, e continua, e continua... e não acaba nunca.
Tudo porque a narrativa simplesmente não é boa.
É uma história genérica de RPG de mesa com uma porção de personagens que na teoria eram para ser complexos e bem escritos, mas que na prática são todos desinteressantes, formando um grupo de "amigos" cujas relações nunca deixam de soar artificiais. Também me perdi várias vezes nas motivações dos vilões e personagens secundários, achei uma bagunça. E o sistema de escolhas é fraco e sem peso. Seus companheiros podem morrer, e no fim você pode tomar uma ou outra decisão, mas no geral 90% dos diálogos são só variações que levam ao mesmo lugar e não causam nenhum impacto significativo na história. Você também pode salvar o jogo a qualquer instante e repetir qualquer rolagem ou linha de diálogo quantas vezes quiser, ou seja, nada tem consequência real.
Por fim, para deixar tudo ainda mais chato, tem o sistema de combate tático, com cada batalha durando um século. Se já não bastasse os personagens terem quantidades de ações muito limitadas por turno, eles ainda inventam de errar os golpes toda hora. É um teste de paciência.

Em geral passei mais raiva do que me diverti.
A mira é um pé no saco, a direção é um pé no saco, a polícia é um pé no saco, a demora entre os checkpoints é um pé no saco.
O que salva é a história. Achei um puta final.

I don't know, man... This feels a little masturbatory to me.
The 4th wall breaks, the smartass ideas, the puzzling narrative, the random hotel hall we have to cross everytime for some reason, the fake credits, even the place's names with huge letters on screen, everything seems intentionally constructed just to show off how "conceptual" the game is.
I like levitating and throwing things, and I like the more trippy surreal visuals and atmosphere, but it's hard to engage with the game's conceited writting, full of gimmicks that don't actually feels organic to the story and are there just so it can look like complex and clever.
The ending, especially, is confusing for the sake of being confusing, nonsensical and full of unanswered questions in a pretty anticlimatic way.

Don't remember much of the first game to compare, just the Doc Oc climax, that was better than this one.
I don't think the third act here works particularly well, with it's over the top scale and repetitive arena boss fights — 'This is a stronger boss, so let's make him have like six health bars so the player have to fight him six times'.
What it DOES better than the first one are the action set pieces. It has a lot more and they're all great spectacles.
That first battle at the beginning, damn, what a way to start a game!

I felt a little underwhelmed by the ending. Was expecting something more epic, a bigger climax. Night City looks great, but most of it is just scenery, it could have more missions exploring different places.
Still had some bugs and crashes at 2.1 patch, but nothing that bothered me much.
Despite all that, I had fun all the way. Loved the investigative and noir vibes of some of the missions. Good gameplay that gives us a lot of freedom on how to aproach things, well written characters...
There are so many possibilities that I wished the game was longer.

Por curiosidade, joguei alternando entre o áudio original e a dublagem brasileira. E mesmo que a versão em português possa soar forçada às vezes (a voz de Panam ficou insuportável), e a gente perca o trabalho de Keanu Reeves como Johnny, é preciso admitir que a equipe brasileira trouxe mais personalidade no uso de gírias, expressões, referências e sotaques. Os caras meteram até uma imitação de Bolsonaro no chefe da gangue militar patriota.

It's so lame that almost every single idea here is somehow recycled from Dead Space.
It's no homage, nor a "spiritual successor" thing. It's plain and simple lack of creativity.
The game is fine, but it's kinda shameful that all The-Creators-of-Dead-Space could come up with was this bland, poor imitation of their old project.
At least the graphics team is pretty competent.

Clearly it's a game that was put a lot of love and effort.
It's gorgeous looking. The exploration is fluid and fun. The scenarios are dynamic and always changing, and now and then new little mechanics are included to keep the gameplay fresh. Technically is a perfect gem.
So it's a shame that they didn't have the same care for the writting.
The main characters are boring and have zero personality, and the story is too basic and poorly structured, in a way that after the midpoint it starts to lose momentum and everything feels like a stretched not very engaging quest to increase the game's duration, culminating at a rushed kinda random ending.

I think playing it already knowing the ending took away part of the impact. Too bad because it's indeed an emotional and sharp ending.
There are too much boring ranch-boy-herd-guiding-horse-taming missions for my taste, but everything else is good.

Perhaps the best written game ever?
Oh how I love the melancholy of the final chapters we spend with Arthur. The regrets, the atonement he seeks, the search for meaning, the way we don't really care about money anymore and just want to do good with the few hours we have left to live. Its powerful, fine sad stuff.

The gameplay is very much improved. Less clumky, with a nice open area, and no more a ton of one-hit kill segments. But just like the first one, the story is so poorly written. It indeed has a more coherent accessible narrative, but everything goes down with its unfocused structure with three mediocre villains, less inspired visual ideas, and some annoying forced melodrama near the end.

It's a confusing mess, I was never sure about what was really happening storywise. We just keep getting randomly teleported through different horror scenarios to give a psychological nightmare feel, with no palpable cause-and-effect narrative. The onipresent-omnipotent villain can kill you with one hit in a lot of moments, but somehow you can beat him. A lot of things are just there, without making any sense, but after all it is an entertaining experience.

I wish I could see the same "best game ever with fantastic characters" that everyone here praises at the reviews.
But all I could see was a boring thin ass story without any interesting objetive because most of the time you are just 'putting a team together'. And it's a cringy team of glup shitto aliens that talk through lame info dump dialogues that I didn't care about.