An absolutely monumental, almost unbelievable achievement.

Not without it's flaws (it's very long, some side quests aren't great and way too many mini-games/QTE stuff are the biggest issues, the length your mileage may vary but it did feel it's length by the end) but my god it's ridiculous that this even exists.

Need a break before I do hard more and get the platinum trophy but wow.

I bought this on release day, got as far as the very start of Saint Denis then just never bothered to go any further despite enjoying it.

Over the past week or so I decided it was time to finally beat this and god damn I was absolutely gripped throughout. I knew of the one major "spoiler" that happens even though it was fairly obvious after a certain mission what was gonna happen.

Some of the mechanics were frustrating to deal with mainly just due to tedium which I get was a creative choice but doesn't make it any more fun.

The story is the selling point here and yeah, wonderful. Arthur Morgan is an amazing character to play as and the epilogue(s) were a nice change of pace after a hectic finale. Now to replay RDR at some point.

Took what made the first game and the Miles spinoff so good and basically just doubled down. Genuinely incredible.

The most 6/10 game that ever existed. Nothing about it is great, but I Don't think anything here is outright bad. It just exists, in pure mediocrity.

Generally I think this is a very good game with an at times gripping and interesting story. Something familiar but at the same time a bit darker and grittier (as much as I hate the word) for a Final Fantasy entry.

My main problem is how much this ultimately just drags. About halfway through the story I figured I must be near the end, then 3/4s of the way through I figured we really must be near the end and it just...kept...going. To the point where I basically just wanted to get to the end credits. A lot of the final half of the game missions just feeling like fetch quests where you have to speak to 4 people at each corner of the map didn't help.

Also wasn't a huge fan of the Eikon fights, very pretty but it felt like i just mashed square and R1 for half an hour.

Combat generally was pretty good though, I will forever be a turn based FF fan but other than being a bit button mashy, it was fun to play (outside of Eikons/spongey bosses).

Good game, will be one of the few entries I doubt I'll play again.

I think I've put enough hours into this years game to write something down.

I think this is the worst Football Manager in years. Every year this game is like a cycle for me in which I'm on for hours, don't play for a month or 2 and repeat. This year, I put a ton of hours in straight away as you do, making Youtube videos etc and then I just quit. Completely stopped playing and it's because there is nothing in this years game that is a worthwhile improvement on previous years.

I'll still give it 2.5/5 as I have put several hundred hours into it but I just have no real strong desire to keep playing and it's something I've seen others in the FM Community say about this years game. It's a chore more than it is fun.

FM24 needs to have something new and exciting, hell even just a graphical overhaul of the screens (and match engine) would be a bonus.

Really fell off this like 5 months ago but finally got around to finishing it. The gameplay wasn't a challenge as I had tried to go for the Platinum so I was hilariously overpowered for the final 5 chapters.

Fun enough game, the story is nice as a piece alongside the main Final Fantasy VII game. Probably wont bother going back for that platinum though as it's a bit too tedious with the missions/DMW.

I didn't hate Watch Dogs, Watch Dogs 2 was a lovely surprise and a super fun game. This is just boring, not fun to play and a truly irritating story. I got a few story beats in and yeah I'm dropping this.

Really enjoyable stuff, waited to play this on PS5 with the Ultimate Edition and think that was the way forward. Platinum trophy obtained which was fairly straight forward and a fun twisty story that I enjoyed playing through.

Genuinely incredible experience. Had long wanted to play this but glad I waited as I got it via PS+ and the Directors Cut on PS5 instead of the PS4 version.

Gameplay is fantastic, the story is super interesting and compelling, filled with a variety of characters you actually care about.

Can't really say enough except I'm gonna go 100% this bad boy.

The biggest crime here is just how uninteresting the gameplay is. The open world is empty and the mission structure is repetitive barely an hour into the game.

A shame as I like the Saints Row series but they lost a lot of magic after The Third and each instalment has got worse.

An underwhelming experience to say the least.

Been playing this pretty regularly since the initial beta back in the day. Quite convinced this is one of the best games of all time.

I have never been remotely good at the Tony Hawk games at any point in my life but they are still right up there in terms of great memories in my childhood playing the early games with my mates and the absolutely insane influence these soundtracks had on my music taste throughout my life.

That said, this remaster is still great fun. I still suck at the games for the most part but they're still perfect for that 10-15 minute session where you can skate around your favourite levels trying stuff you can't pull off listening to great tunes.

I will say up front I am very much "not good" at platformers and never have been despite always enjoying the Crash series on PS1.

Maybe one day I'll come back to this but I got as far as the Tranquility Falls, 1402 section of the game and decided I'd had enough for now. I just really struggled to actually enjoy playing the game, maybe it'll click one day but for now it's being put on the backburner while I play some other stuff.

Surprisingly good all things considered.

The gameplay is fairly one note since you can only control 1 character but being able to use your teammates for combos and using their special abilities at least varied things up enough that it never got too boring.

The real surprise was the story. I didn't expect to actually get invested in what was going on but alas I did, with a fair few effective emotional beats throughout.

A pleasant surprise, shame there likely wont be a sequel where they can iron out the gameplay a bit more.