Feels like a fan-made game in a fan-made Sonic Maker game

The physics and enemy placement are terrible and the game just feels cheap. It functions (except when it crashed on me 3 times including in the final boss after a boss rush)

Was having fun with it, but the deathcare management seemed pretty broken. I understand that traffic plays a role in it, but when I have dead people accumulating directly next to a cemetery, and there are like 3 crematoriums and 7 cemeteries with each section of the cemetery being able to reach one without much traffic, I start to think something might be busted.

This game feels absolutely terrible to control. The boss battles being rock, paper, scissors is stupid. The only redeeming factor is the new visuals. The actual level design is terrible by modern standards, and even by 1986 standards IDK man. I was really unimpressed overall

Props to this game for having pretty varied level design. It has definitely aged in a lot of ways, so I imagine it hit a bit harder in 98

The level design is great for the most part, and I like the aesthetics a lot. That being said, the invasion mechanic is pretty obnoxious and sets the game back a bit. Having to go hack a signal to unlock exits after I killed the invader just feels like a waste of time. The writing can be a little annoying at times, as well and I think the endings are pretty bad

I still really like it, and it does a lot of things well, but I do wish there was more than one way to kill all the visionaries in a day.

This review was written before the game released

Whoever's idea it was to turn off aim assist on console if you play with friends on PC, but not allow keyboard and mouse support on console is an idiot

This review was written before the game released

The account merging doesn't work and now I can't play at all multiple weeks into the game's launch because of merging errors. I'm fairly certain that even after the issue is fixed, the content won't merge anyways

This is barely a sequel and it's basically an update where they took out a team member and added a few characters

I really liked the state Overwatch was in during its first couple years, but Blizzard has done nothing but fuck it up. The monetization is horrible and I hate that this is now the only Overwatch that can be played when it doesn't even function properly weeks in

When it functions, it's fine. There's still an interesting game at the core, but it's a mess right now

One of the most adorable games I’ve ever played. Very thoughtfully put together map, and the writing gives it such a nice atmosphere. It really feels like they out in a ton of effort to do everything they could with the painting mechanics, and I’m surprised it feels so cohesive. I imagine this is a really fun game to platinum because there are still a ton of NPC interactions that I don’t think I saw the full completion of

Plays a lot better now. Would be higher if the microtransactions weren't so predatory

Played some of it in the free trial. I actually thought it played a lot better this year. Defensive coverage genuinely does feel better, and I like the new passing system. Not spectacular, but the NCAA game with this gameplay will be nice when it comes out

Edit: Just kidding. The franchise mode is literally broken and there are glitches where it randomly undoes signings and makes the entire offseason unplayable. It is completely game-breaking unless you just simulate through it all

Very interesting game, and I think it's solid, but it is far too repetitive by the end. It doesn't help that my game either bugged out after the first trigger for an event, or I just have to keep doing these loops over and over for it to pop up again, so I can watch the event and get the true ending. Because to be honest, I wanted to stop actually playing these loops like 40-50 loops earlier than that. It's just too much

After 120+ loops I just decided to watch it on YouTube because I don't have faith the event will actually show back up. I don't think the game's story is particularly great either. It's great relative to the structure of the game and it works far better than one would expect, but when I step back and think about it, I think it's just not the most interesting story. Interesting characters though. I will give them that.

uhhhh i mean amogus

Best MP in the series and arguably the best SP in the series

The gameplay loops is so incredibly satisfying and I really feel like the game is so inventive with what it asks you to do in the SP content. Even Salmon Run is such a great horde mode with how you have to engage with all of the bosses in unique ways. That's carried over from 2, but I feel like they improved it again here.

I love everything about this. I thought most of the challenges were well put together, I liked almost all of the music in this expansion, and the aesthetics and writing are great

I enjoyed the first 2 single-player modes for the franchise, but I really feel like this pulled everything together, and it's easily the most fun I've had playing a 3rd-person shooter

Seeing my Nopon squad keep getting bigger is the best dopamine rush