Hail the origami korigami! Because the other songs are borigami!

Monkey room escape game where all the puzzles are just smashing the humans that kept them in cages. But first, you must acquire a taste for free-form jazz.

Definitely one of the weaker Mario spin-offs, but I'm not that tilted against the game, if only due to the nostalgia factor.

This is just a genuinely charming game all the way through. A nice relaxing 3D platformer to play to keep a smile on your face.

Fun little puzzle game about street signs and connecting them. Didn't really keep my interest and stopped halfway through, but I have trouble pointing to any real negative about the game.

Cute little game about organizing stuff all the way you want to until the game rips the freedom out of your hands and forces you to find out where the best spot to put everything you didn't put in the right spot away. It feels like it's at odds with itself.

I wish I had more time and patience for this game series. I like the characters and world, but not the gameplay itself, and when the game is over 60 hours long, that's too long a time investment for me; sorry. I can definitely see the appeal of these games, but it's just not for me.

At least I still have the side-games, anime, and mangas.

Joycon. Maracas. I'll leave that right there SEGA. It's free.

Nice to finally get that feather in my cap and say I completed Ocarina Of Time. Nice to see that it was a fun game with a nice and pretty open world. Shame that I really don't plan on returning to it anytime soon, if at all.

It's nothing really that special; you can beat it in under 2 hours if you know what you're doing. However, it's a charming game with its narrator and level designs, with some tight and fun controls. I can definitely think of worse ways to spend my money.

Turns out hard mode is hard; who knew?

Pokemon Unit(Please pay $40 to unlock the rest of the title)

I only keep this around to collect My Nintendo online points.