I don't really like Puzzle games, the only puzzle game that I enjoyed playing was Portal 2. I knew about Machinarium for a long time, but didn't really play it I only loved to just listen to the ost. Now I can say that Machinarium is one of the best puzzle games with Portal 2!

The OST is very good, level/map design is also decent. The way that the puzzle work is interesting and fun to figure out how to solve them. It sometimes can be tedious and irritating, but that's just like 1-2 times I have experienced that. The "Lore" if you'd call it that is funny and I laugh whenever I remember the Robot's flashbacks with the other Robots.
There's mini games too. the most notable and rememberable for me is the Connect game with that fucking robot I pray for his downfall every time I remember him. THE MF NEVER TOUCHES GRASS ONLY TRYHARDING ON CONNECT FFS.

I recommend to play it with a friend (stream it on discord or invite them to watch on Steam) and try to solve them together, you'll have so much fun.

Fun game, I recommend it even if you were not in the point and click puzzle solving games. Trust me I too don't love them, but this game is an exception!

Hotline Miami 2 took what we loved from the previous game and made it 10x better. I highly recommend people to play this after the first game!


OST in this game feels more energetic than the original game, every character has their own sets of OST. A positive note that I should add is that you won't feel annoyed/tired from the same OST repeating if you died in a level for so many times, I had this problem when I played the first one, but here it's very good to listen to. I sometimes just get myself killed because I pay more attention to my ears than the screen, just shows how good of OST this game have.

[Gameplay & Characters]

All characters have their own set of weapons, their own twist to how they finish the level. They change your strategy each character you play with. Example The Fans...you can pick one of them and play with, but there's a catch. A character from The Fans can't pick up guns he can only rely on his fists, other you'll need to play with two (ducks), other you'll just spawn with two Uzi--s. There's Beard from the first game, now as a playable character, he gets sets of weapons to choose from and then go fight the enemies, you can say it can be very reckless unlike most of the other characters, or you can play him strategically, whichever you want. There's Evan who can't pick up weapons (guns or any lethal killing melee weapons) and he doesn't kill, only knocks them out (you can let them die too if they're knocked out).

[Level design & Visuals]

The visuals in this game are very good, and not the boring visuals that was in the first game. Level Design is good, they improved a little than how it used to be in the original game.


Here you can at least figure out the story...Kind of? meh I tried to understand all of it, but I just gave up to be honest.

[Negative thoughts of the game]

Same thing from the first game, sometimes the game gets irritating and stupid, sometimes you're able to just punch all enemies at once (close radius), but sometimes one person lives. When you try to melee a dog, it's a 50/50 chance either you get the timing right or just get fucked.

Game's good...

I just finished Lies of P, and decided to go and give Dark Souls Remastered a new try, maybe the game ain’t as bad as I remember it…Spoiler alert it was and still shit.

Gameplay is slow compared to other souls games and some what a hassle to just go and fight normal enemies. I don’t care if it’s an old game or not it is a remaster version of the original so they should’ve at least made the gameplay fun in this.
Bosses most of them are lame and not even good whether it was in the design or actual fighting. I used to love Gwyn, but going back to it made me realize how garbage of a fight it was and as final boss they really didn’t put any that much work into him compared to Smough and Ornstein and other actual good bosses (which are probably 2) there are semi-gimmick bosses like Sif, Moonlight Butterfly and Chaos Bed boss. And other lame bosses that aren’t fun, and their ost isn’t good to listen to in my opinion.
Visuals in this game for a remastered version… IS GARBAGE. Who in their mind would actually say that this game’s graphics is peak??? Or even decent, it’s garbage.
Osts, trash all of them except for 2 I don’t care what anyone says.
World, it’s a connected world… and it’s trash. Progression in this game is a hassle cause it’s a fucking connected world, and you can’t possibly warp until you get to Gwyn’s dumb daughter. Trash trash I don’t care if your world is connected or not. I come to play and have fun and not to waste my time trying to figure out how can I backtrack to the areas before. Such a waste of time.
Thank you fromsoft.

Lies of P, is the perfect example of a perfect game and is literally better than all of Fromsoft’s by so much, and also the game that people dislike just because it “copies” Fromsoft’s games… These people are truly blind and stupid cause of fake nostalgia. This game did what Fromsoft couldn’t do. Which is making a consistently good game until the end and never fails to do so! It took all of the good things from the Souls games and combined them together to this masterpiece.

The OSTs, Gameplay, World Design, NPCs and their stories and characters, Bosses, Side Quests, Story, Weapons and making changes to them. And other stuff that I probably forgot making this game perfect.

Gameplay, Gameplay in Lies of P is a mix of Sekiro’s guarding but harder to pull off since the parry (perfect guard) window is very small compared to Sekiro’s… there’s also rolling that can be used, but I recommend everyone to just use the guard system more than the dodging system because of how important it is, you can stagger the bosses or the enemies way faster, and you’re also able to break their weapons depending on how much perfect guard you can do while he attack you. If you weren’t able to parry the enemy, you’re going to get the effect of a normal guard which is: having your health taken, but you can get it back by hitting the enemy or wait for it to heal by itself (it’ll take too much time for it to heal). There are also Legion Arms which have different abilities, some of them can be used as a hook to pull enemies to you or pull yourself to them, other make you attach landmine to the floor and it’ll blow up when an enemy gets near it, a very good use to speedrun bosses or cheese them. There’s the shield legion arm that as the name suggest it’s a shield for beginners and it’s very useful too, there are other legion arms, that it’ll take time to mention and say what they do, but you’ll have to trust me when I say they’re all useful and the upgrades too! Gameplay is as fun as Sekiro nothing much to add for it, other than it doesn’t have that nice guard sound as Sekiro, but that’s not important. Also it’s better than Dark Souls and bloodborne.

NPCs, NPCs in this game are one of the best NPCs I’ve ever interacted with! The NPCs have their own character and stories, and it’s not some just a robot with no emotions and character. NPCs here show actual fear, happiness, sadness, regret and having the most important thing in a Souls game which is “hope”.
Sophia as an example, telling us she awakened us so we can save Krat, but truth is she wanted us to save her. She even told us how scared she is because of what Simon did to listeners like her. She fears death, but at the same time doesn’t want to feel the pain anymore. I genuinely was attached to Sophia as a character and her role too, it broke me when I saw her at that state and I didn’t know what to pick when I did my first Playthrough, but in the end I let her go in peace.
Another example is Lady Antonia, we little of her, but we know she was there for you (when you were a human), for Venigni and Polendina loved her when he awakened his “ego”. She showed how happy she was after you gave her the cure.
Gemini in this game is a 100% must have and I know that no one hates him, everyone loves him. He’s the guide for your run, gives you some lore, and he doesn’t make you feel lonely at all. He sometimes does some jokes or comments on some stuff in a funny way…Having Gemini is an essential part of the game to make the players not feel lonely or get bored at all! I love Gemini and I hope in the DLC and the sequel he’ll have more dialogues.
Red Fox and The Black Cat, these two when you first encounter them seem like some scumbags, the Red Fox being the leader/boss and the young Cat being a follower, they seem like sister and brother, and turns out when you play through the game they are actually siblings! The Black Cat is a young kid from, you can tell that when tells you that he is tired of everything, tired of kidnapping, tired of killing, tired of surviving. This just shows how much they have been running together and how they no longer want any of this. The Red Fox seems as a nice sister too, thanking you and wished for us to be friends. We don’t know what happened to them after the ending, but they probably live in another country and living a normal and decent life. It’s these little details that make you attached to these “simple” NPCs.

Riddler! Oh boy this guy is so important and having him adds a lot to the plot… Every single question he keeps on asking us and having two answers, sometimes one of the answers is blatantly wrong which indicates that you’re an actual puppet, other indicates you’re a human being. Without the help of Riddler you (Carlo aka Pinocchio) won’t realize sooner that you’re actually a human being… well until you defeat Romeo (King of Puppets) and you will awaken to Carlo.
There are other NPCs like the cat, when you try to pet it, it would hiss you, but if you have humanity on you it’ll recognize it and actually let you pet it… again details like this are nice to have.

Bosses, Bosses in this game I have mix feelings about them(in a good way), I would compare them to Dark Souls 3’s bosses. And see how I fight them and it’s difficulty… In Lies of P, The difficulty sometimes spikes from easy to hard and then go easy, that’s actually not a bad thing to be honest… When a new player get in here he’d probably think the game is too easy, and then he’ll get shocked of the hard bosses + helps people to try and actually learn the perfect guard (parry) system. The bosses have their own story too…Romeo (King of the Puppets) is Carlo’s best friend and when he says “I’m Romeo, Carlo’s best friend” hits very hard and without him you might’ve not been able to awaken yourself…
Scrapped Watchman in NG+ with Venigni’s tool you can understand what he was saying… Turns out he was and still tries to protect his friends and the children that the people (adults) took away from him. Same thing a small detail like that is nice to have too.
The Black Rabbit Brotherhood, is an easy boss that I’ve seen people struggle with, and I don’t understand why…They’re fairly easy, you just need to focus only on one person and that’s it easy win… why are people complaining about them so much???? Even thought they’re bunch of scums, they still care about each other.
Nameless Puppet as a final boss works very good just like the Soul of Cinder, and the cutscenes were very good and hit hard, the fight is surprisingly easily and fun too!
There are other NPC bosses that have gone insane, because of either the disease or surviving was too much for them… shows how cruel life is there.

Story in this game unlike all of Fromsoft's games, you can actually understand it without any trouble. The way it tells the story from characters or even from some of the books or letters you find is very nice and isn't tiring to read like Fromsoft's games... When I said this game is perfect I meant it was perfect in every way! Including the story.

World design in this game is incredible some would say they copied it from Bloodbrone, but I say the opposite… this game’s world design compared to Bloodborne is laughable in my opinion. This game beats Bloodborne in everything! The world design is very good, that’s all.

OSTs in this game are incredible, you have a collection of disc music that can be played, and they’re all so good. I LOVE ALL OF THEM… KRAT’S HOTEL THEM, THE FINAL CHAPTER OSTS, ATTACKED KRAT HOTEL OST, SOPHIA’S OST, AND ALL OF THE BOSSES! MY GOD THEY’RE SO GOOD AND THE COLLECTION OH MY GOD SO GOOD TOO.

To sum up, Lies of P is better than all of Fromsoft’s games and the fans are blinded by their stupid “loyalty” so that’s why they dislike the game, other than that any other sane person who actually uses his brain can tell it’s better.

This game is better than every single game that was released after 1989...

Overrated as hell, the genocide route is so trash only 2 bosses LMAO. not to mention the crappy story and the dumb comedy it has + the "lore" if I can even call it that.

Ost is decent not good but not bad...well most of it.

I remember when me and my brother went ahead and decided to buy a PS4 to play Bloodborne (spoiler alert we didn't), and bought PS4 with 3 games...One of them was Infamous: Second Son...

This game was very bad... why the fuck did we even decide to play it/buy it...

The Binding of Isaac : Rebirth/Repentance (including the DLCs too) is the best Rogue-Like Game out there, and there’s yet a game that is able to surpass it right now. It has beaten every other Rougue-Like game is every possible way, whether it’s from playable character, gameplay, bosses, ost, level design, community and the long list of items.

Playable Characters:

There are 17 normal playable characters and all of them have their own twist, whether if it’s from items they spawn with, or have different stats, others have some disadvantages like Blue Baby and Jacob&Esau. Some characters you try to make sure your red heart is at half heart; because it’ll give you a stat boost. Others make it you can’t get blue/black heart, overall, I see that the normal characters are mostly nice and easy to play with, now for the Tainted versions of the normal characters. The Tainted versions of the normal characters change the gameplay 180 degree, they add new gameplay mechanics and challenges, and sometimes make playing with them more fun than the normal version. A big example is Tainted Keeper, everyone loves playing with him and sometimes people would just play him only, another example of fun is Tainted Bethany, her item now gives you orbital items and can work as a defense just like the normal version, but here it gives you random orbital and that orbital gives you the effect of a random item from the game, it is really fun to play with. Tainted Jacob is more fun to play too! If you want a character that changes how to play the game, then Tainted Cain is for you. To get items now you need to craft them yourself and just keep on a list of how to craft the items you want and craft guide. Trust me when I say that the normal characters that are boring to play with / slow to play with, their Tainted version is more fun and better, except for Blue Baby screw him.

Level Bosses:

There are over 80 non ending bosses (normal level bosses) in The Binding of Isaac : Repentance, some of them spawn on most of the levels/chapters, and others spawn in only a specific chapter like the alternative path bosses (DLC paths: Downpour and the Mine). Each boss has his variant example the same boss you saw one playthrough ago can spawn differently whether his color changed and his attacks either gotten faster or slower, depending on what change has gotten to the boss, or even the boss splits onto two mini variants of him and his heal will be shared 50/50 to both of them, he can even have new attacks. Edmund knew what he was doing when he designed the level/chapter bosses. By the way some bosses like the Poop bosses can be one shotted by using an item that flushes them like a toilet lol, or they can even be one shotted with a card. It’s a nice detail to have.

Ending/Marked Bosses:

There are over 10 bosses that marks your paper/plan on the menu for each playable character! And my god I really love them all, except for Delirium (fuck him) every ending boss has his own fighting pattern and they’re very good! My favorite by far is Dogma, man I love him so much from the design, the fight, and the OST. Not to forget the rest of the bosses you can fight Satan, Mega Satan, Delirium, Isaac, Hush, ect. And their OST oh my god they’re very good! Their design is also good.


The OST is so good in this game, and if you get tired of it there’s also OST mods from the creators of Repentance! I’ll say it again the OST is very good. There’s nothing to add up.


This game has lots of Mods, whether they’re OST mods, Playable characters mod, retexture sprites/stuff, and even making it a whole new game. The mods in this game are incredible! There AntiBirth OST mod and man I really love it!
There are Daily challenge runs that can be played by turning off all of your mods, it’s a nice way to see how good you are and how fast you can finish the challenge against other players.
There’s also an Online mod feature that as of writing right now the feature has been disabled and yet to fully release, but I trust Edmund and his team to release it perfectly!


There are over 500 items in this game and all of them make a change to your build/run. An item can decide the fate of your run and how you play, an item can make you play carelessly (can literally one shot all bosses), other item would make you change your play to be strategic and try to take the least damage as much as possible. Some items work as trinkets or cards/pills that can be used any time in the run or can be replaced with some other items.
There are also transformations from having 3 specific items, there are more than 3 transformations on the game one of the popular transformations is “Guppy” it makes you get flies and fly over blocks and spikes, and it’s really useful. Something very important to mention.

The Binding of Isaac: Repentance is literally the best Rougue-Like out there, and it has the best replayability out there! I recommend it to everyone who wants an addicting game and actually fun to play!


Unlike Repentance Afterbirth didn't add that much good to the game.


I don't see myself playing any other resident evil game, as it turns out the series isn't for me. Maybe in the future I'll play this again and who knows I'll come to like it, but right now I want to forget I played this on hardmode as a first playthrough and completion...

I loved DS3 and Sekiro, however I very much despised Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1&2. With the announcement of Elden Ring I had so much hype for it, especially after trying out Sekiro and the enjoyment I had with. I was wondering how they would go above Sekiro...Spoiler alert: they didn't.

It's very obvious that Fromsoft took the safe path which is to just make another Dark Souls game, but make it you're able to jump, ride on a horse and make it an open world game... I wouldn't mind any of that if the game was like Dark Souls 3 (good bosses, fast gameplay, memorable OSTs).

[Gameplay -/+]
Compared to DS3 and Sekiro, the gameplay feels slow against enemies and bosses. Which is a big no for me...But compared to DS1 it's 100% better.
The weapons variety and spells is huge, for the first time I actually had so much fun using magic in a Fromsoft game! Using magic is a must in this game to get the full joy I had.
They made it that some bosses attacks can be dodged by just jumping and able to attack while jumping, something that they got inspired from Sekiro that I really like because you can understand the Boss's attacks and ways to use them for your advantage.

[World -] [Atmosphere +]
It's no surprise how enormous the map of Elden Ring is. When it comes to Open World games you need to make sure that the player actually get a proper reward for exploring your world, and not him with a dungeon that the boss gives 2k runes and an item that's no use for. While on the other hand I can just go kill a normal enemy that gives me 2k runes, that's a really bad way to implement open world exploration and rewards.
There are over 100 dungeons in this game and they're all copy paste with most of them having the same bosses over and over, what's worse that sometimes rather than having 1 boss in the room that you killed before now you have 2 of them and sometimes 3. They don't even get good, oh I wish they did.

Atmosphere in this game is fantastic. From time to time I just change my desktop background to one of my Elden Ring's screenshots. My favorite being at night, with the full moon, it's so good.

[Bosses +/-]
(non main rune bosses)
While exploring the world you can find different types of bosses that come out on different times of day, while others stay there not being affected by time. Night Calvary while a boss that comes wondering on night is interesting, yet the way that they just keep on spamming this boss on different areas and just changing the weapon it uses is very lazy. Another boss that comes on Dusk is Deathbird, the design of this boss had picked my interest and the way to find him is actually fun for me... For the first 2 times, then it just get repeated. Like why spam the same bosses? couldn't you make another one? ofcourse those are not the only 2 bosses that I had a bad experience with trying to enjoying them. there are 2-3 more different wondering bosses and all are just bad to be honest. BUT the dungeon bosses... Some of them were good, but 95% of them are copy pasted.
Lets not forget the repeated dungeon bosses too. And the duo/trio versions of them, that are utter garbage in all honesty. They're not fun to fight at all.
(main rune bosses)
I loved Mohg and Morgot (and maybe 2nd phase of Maliketh)...The rest were either garbage or decent. The problem were with either the attacks or just the fight in general wasn't fun for me. Radagon sometimes teleport attack gets so annoying that you get hit from it while trying to do a damn no hit. The Elden Beast goes so far that you need to run to him (reminding me of the Demon of hatred ffs), some fights just feel short or even why did they make them??? The Giant which my god a trash boss with very bad attacks. Malenia was a decent boss if it weren't for the waterfowl dance. Just to clarify the first time I used a shield was against Malenia's waterfowl dance attack and that's it, you might think it's a good game design since I actually used an item, but no it's really annoying.

[OSTs -]
99% of all are bad, except for Mohg's.

[Lore -]
Why make lore if no one's going to understand without watching a youtube video explaining it?

Game's a letdown.

The only good thing about it, is that it has Vass, otherwise the game wouldn't sell good.

Story is below decent, with it's uninteresting characters and pathetic bosses, not to forget the huge world that doesn't have anything to it.

Bosses if you even call them that, are so bad LOL. the only boss that was put work onto was Vass just because of his lines and character, but in gameplay oh boy he's trash like all the rest.

Gameplay, again it's repetitive, and doesn't change + the stealth system is useless. Going in and killing them is faster.

Map is huge and has nothing interesting to go and look for in it, it's all outposts and other stupid repetitive shit over and over.

I'll say it again, if it wasn't for Vass I would've given this half a star.

Trash, like go play something else that's actually good.

Story is very slow that you sometimes forget wtf is happening.

Characters are shit with all meaning, except for the MC he's kind of good but meh.

Bosses have shit animations that they sometimes bug and do their attacks in just 1 frame (good job EA, keep it up). also bosses are trash.

parkour sucks ass in the game, go play Assassins Creeds (that's trash too but still not as this) or something that actually has a good parkour system.

Twin-blades get unlocked in like the last 2 hours of the game. like what?

Real Time Strategy, RTS for short are very close to my heart since I was a kid, whether it was from old games or new ones. There were many RTS games I played, and still do to this day such as: Age of Empires, Mount & Blade, Kenshi, Stronghold Franchise, ect...but none came closer to being attached to my heart like Stronghold Crusader HD.

Stronghold HD (the game before Stronghold Crusader HD) was an incredible beggining for the franchise, and when Stronghold Crusader HD came it had beaten the old Stronghold in every single possible way. From Gameplay, Graphics and Level design, OST, Expansion (Stronghold Crusader Extreme), NPCs, Missions and even in Community !

Level Design,

Stronghold Crusader HD has a lot of Levels, and every single one has a different design or got a catch/twist on it. There are different a lot of levels for every kind of match from two player level to a 8 players level, as said before every map has some kind of twist, whether it has lots of materials or has few materials like having few grass to build your farms or even having 0 grass to build farms so you gotta buy from the market, some others have every lord close to each other and the other way around, and also some maps would have oil and some not or others have swamps which makes you move slower. You can also use the terrain for your advantage, like putting bowsmen on top of them so they can snipe far enemies rather than being on the ground. The levels were incredibely made in this game.


NPCs in this game are so good and essential to have, otherwise the matches will be boring just like the other Stronghold games. NPCs in this game gives life to playing and doesn't get you bored or lonely, all having their own personality and lines. They tell you that they're going to attack you soon, they tell you that you're getting attacked, some of them congratulate you when you defeat their attacks others would cry or cuss you out, when you attack their buildings they either cry or get mad (they'll send troops to attack you, doesn't matter they cry or not). You can also an allied match, sometimes they demand goods, help or even asking you to attack enemy lords. Every lord has his own fighting style and defense style, some have strong defense and attack style, while others have weak defenses and attacks. I love it when Lords send you a message where they cry, it's really funny and doesn't get old.

Missions (Trials),

The Trials on Stronghold Crusader HD first trials are easy then one by one the difficulity gets harder and harder, so you'll have to do some tactics like sacrafice some of your workers and popularity in your kingdom so you can protect yourself from the attacks you get from enemy lords the moment you beggin in it. they're fun to do and challenge yourself, also helps you to find new tactics and strategies to use in your next trials that might help you. Totalling 75 trials and the difficulity too, is all worth it. I recommend new comers to play them all and not to chicken out of them.


I love the OST oh my god I love the OST oh my god I love the OST. Some OSTs make you feel like any time you're going to get attacked, other OSTs make you feel like you're on the top and the rest of the lords are weak, others makes you feel you're going to have a long match. OSTs in this game are very good no doubt about that.


With the new arabian theme for Stronghold Crusader HD, firefly (studio maker) added new set of troops that are called arabian troops. I kid you not the Horse archers with the moving shields are easy win lmao. Any ways the gameplay differented a lot than what it was in Stronghold HD probably because of the vast of maps, new troops and also the new ai lords! but it's like any other RTS gameplay, so you won't have trouble playing it if you played other RTS games.


Stronghold Crusader Extreme is a nice addition to the game, it adds new gameplay mechanic, new levels and new trials. It's fun to play, but I don't see myself playing it that much since Stronghold Crusader HD is better for me personally.


The community is the reason that kept this game alive and where it is right now, they even made a tool (patch) that gave you some quality-of-life stuff, that we players wanted like changing colors of our kingdom, changing starting troops and other stuff. Even firefly studio made a steam post advertising the patch for celebrating the 20th anniversary of the game. Online is good too, most players are try hard that I played with and not newbies, which is really good.


Stronghold Crusader HD is an old game that some people might say it's an "outdated" game, but I disagree with them. the replay ability that's in it is very good to have, also the Online is there to play against others. So, no Stronghold Crusader HD is still a good game, that you should try!

Dark Souls 3 is by far the best Souls game Fromsoft ever released, whether it's in the gameplay, world design, PVP, Bosses or even the OSTs. I heavily recommend people to play this game first more than any other Fromsoft game.

(Just a heads-up, I'll heavily compare DS3 to DS1).
Starting Area (Tutorial)
DS3's starting area compared to DS1's starting area is laughable, whether it was the design of the area or the tutorial boss that's in it. Iudex Gundyr as a tutorial boss works perfect with the way DS3 is, since you have different gameplay mechanics such as: Parrying, Magic, Pyromancies and Melee. Gundyr unlike DS1's tutorial boss (Asylum Demon) you can use the Parry system against him, something that DS1 doesn't use on any of it's bosses (only the last one, but you probably going to 3 shot him any way), also Gundyr has a second phase something that Asylum Demon doesn't have and not to forget that Asylum Demon's attacks are really slow/easy to read and has limited attacks/combos. Where Gundyr in the other hand as a tutorial boss has lots of different attacks even in phase two his attacks change and so does his form. Lets not forget the OST! Gundyr's OST is very good to listen to unlike Asylum Demon's OST, I'm 100% sure no one listens to that.

Something that I didn't like about DS1's firelink shrine is that sometimes the Firekeeper sometimes disappears/died and need to bring her back, for me it was such hassle and annoying. In DS3 that doesn't happen thankfully.


Bosses on DS3 compared to DS1 is way faster; because now bosses are actually difficult and somewhat difficult to read their move set until you get used to them where in DS1 you can just kill most of its bosses with ease first try; because of how slow they are and easily predict their move sets (except for Stray Demon fuck him). Something that I've always wanted to know about DS1 is, what's even the point of the parry mechanic if there's only one boss that you can use it on (it's the final boss) where in DS3 there are a total of 6 bosses that you can parry and they're scattered through start-mid-late game. Another thing that I've liked about DS3's bosses is the OST! I loved every single OST the bosses have on DS3 (except for the Curse-Rotted Greatwood Tree boss, fuck that OST) other than that all OSTs are very good and let's not forget the DLC bosses in DS3 they're very good and have top OSTs. Oh, not to forget the bosses on DS3 are hard but that doesn't mean they're not balanced.No, they are balanced and there are no RNG based bosses (Fuck you The Bed of Chaos from DS1) and they're all fair to go against.
Just compare some of the early bosses to DS1's bosses most of the time you'll love DS3's bosses more; because they're more fun to go against and there's actual challenge on fighting them and not just some crappy boss with dumb pathetic attacks. Here it's more challenging and more fun. I want you to also compare the final boss of each game, you'll see that Soul of Cinder is 10x harder than Gwyn in DS1, Gwyn isn't even that hard of a boss to kill too and you'll probably kill him before even seeing all of his attacks.


Gameplay on DS3 is same as DS1 but faster and more difficult, difficult like it's now harder to parry unlike in DS1 and also now you have Mana stats that gets consumed when you use Weapon Art Attacks or Using Magic attacks. It has its own flask, so now you have to balance between Estus Flask and Ashen Estus Flask. One used for healing and other to regenerate Mana. There are lots of parry able bosses too as mentioned before. Playing with friends is also fun or getting invaded by randoms never gets old and always good to have/get. Sadly, same as DS1 Magic is boring to use/do unlike how it is in Elden Ring so don't expect much from it and Pyromancy of having fun.

World Design and Progression

The World Design and Progression is a lot different from each game, but I'll just say my personal opinion. Personally, I see that DS3's world progression is better than DS1's progression; because no matter how you see it or how connected the world of DS1 is, you can't tell me that I have to backtrack from fricking BlightTown to Firelink Shrine and there are no warps until you get to Gwyn's daughter, this...is a hassle and very annoying. In DS3 however you get the warp system immediately and can travel to every single bonfire unlike in DS1 not all can be warped. Yes, the world is not connected in any way, but I really do not care as long as I can play without knowing I have to backtrack and get annoyed.


DS3's DLCs are better, also DS1's DLC is better than the main itself.DS3's DLCs are worth to get trust me, a lot of rememberable bosses are from the DLCs too Slave Knight Gael (The Goat), Twin Demons, Midir and Sister Freide are all bosses that are challenging to fight and very fun to go against. I highly recommend having the DLCs in your first playthrough.

In summary DS3 is a very good game in all meaning and enjoyable with the vast majority of bosses all good (except for the Rotten Wood boss) and the OSTs oh my god the OSTs I love them so much, there are also NPCs and quests you can do and covenants but meh not worth mentioning.