The last time I started this game up I promised myself that it was the 5th and last time I’d put myself through the emotional trauma. Any more attempts and I felt that the impact would start to wear off.

That was 2 years ago and this year, just when I thought those bastards at Naughty Dog couldn’t possibly be any dumber, they go and do something like this… and totally re-redeem themselves!

Note: I’m am never playing this game ever again.

I'm not deep into Donkey Kong lore pre-DK 64 and I haven't played the two previous games, so I don't know who this Stanley dude is. However, I do know that if Stanley just focuses on shooting DK 95% of the time, his greenhouse will be at peace in no time. I'm also a big fan of the greenhouse being the damsel in distress this time around.

(Chosen from backlog using a random number generator)

>Purchased this game during it's first sale, knowing I'm too chicken shit to actually play it.
>Install it the next day.
>Wait a few months and never build up the courage to start playing.
>RE3 remake comes out. Purchase that without even seeing RE2's menu prior.
>Skip to today.
>Re-install RE2 on PS5.
>Open game and choose Claire.
>Make it to police station and place lion medallion in statue.
>Make way down 2nd corridor and notice I have to start boarding up windows.
>Board up first window.
>Out of boards.
>Walk two steps and see second exposed window.

(Dw. I'm re-installing as I type this. I will finish this game)

Update: The game got much easier to pursue the further I pushed. Highly recommend to everyone, even those who have a weak stomachs or high anxiety when it comes to horror. It’s not as bad as you think and it’s worth it for the experience.

I pray at work that every time I have to look something up for a customer, the site will crash and this game will appear. That way I have a fun game to play and the customer will be simmering at the counter, assuming I'm doing work. Heck, sometimes I will even search for third party recreations to fill such a void.

The rating is accurate, but I love the idea they have. If only they gave it a bit of polish and made the map much smaller to appear more dense. The music could do with less repetition. Had to mute it after 5 mins. The world needs more cat cafe games!

The art direction and atmosphere are really cool. Gameplay is a little to simple for my liking, but still enjoyable. Unlocking follower cards is fun and the artwork looks great. The score is generic, but fits the mood well. Overall a good game to spend a couple hours on between bigger titles.

(Chosen from backlog using a random number generator)

Pretty keen on Pro Skater 1 + 2: Electric Boogaloo coming out in a few days, so I figured "what the hell?". I didn't last more than maybe 20 mins before shutting it off. The load times, wack. The physics, wack. The level design, wack. The progression, wack. The only salvageable thing to come out of this is that I discovered a couple of decent tracks to add to my Spotify.

This isn’t an anti-woke review. I was ready for a fresh take that wasn’t purely OTT dated humour. I’m just cut that a new Saints Row game has been released and it still plays like it’s 2011. The new location is also pretty barren, which would’ve been okay if they added some life to it. The worst part was when I finished a mission about 7 hours in and the credits rolled. I didn’t feel like I even accomplished much. Again, As a long-time fan, I am actually shocked that this was released. Do better.

Just a quick junky “hobocop pissf****t” run.

I’m surprised this game gets so much hate. As a horror fan, but someone that also struggles to play horror games, due to high anxiety and the intense situation of controlling how things play out, I had a pretty good time with Man of Medan. Sure it’s not as thought out or as scary as Until Dawn, but it’s fun enough to play for a 4-5 hour play through. I just wish they didn’t have those cheap jump scares all the way through, as they got super tiring after the first few. There are other ways to drive up anxiety in players. Looking forward to playing Little Hope next.

Would spend most of my playtime having a multiple hour shootout during the final part of the first level, before the car chase. Thought it was peak gaming.

Prior to today I hadn’t heard anything about This War of Mine and I guess that's the best way to go in. The guy I liked the most was the first to die, a father was shot scavenging for supplies to aid his terminally ill daughter and an old man begged for us to take him in only to die in his sleep overnight. After 31 soul-crushing in-game days my time was up and nobody made it out alive in what was one of the most miserable experiences in my gaming life. I was not sure how to feel, but I got a decent 6-7 hour session out of it, taking my time. Definitely one of the more unique experiences I’ve had on the PS4.

(Chosen from backlog using a random number generator)

Classic hug-the-wall rally racer, where the only faster way to win is utilising the shortcuts. Thinking back to '97, I remember having more fun driving a beachball around an open shore, trying to do as many flips as possible jumping over the side-rails.

First time playing and I understand that it’s considered a classic for some. Teenage-me would’ve vibed hard with the soundtrack, but gameplay wise I was having a bit of a rough time getting used to to braking and acceleration, but later found out that I made the controls harder on myself by selecting a particular driver. Good fun, not for more than 10-15 mins at once.

(Chosen from backlog using a random number generator)

Not much to say that hasn't been said. The year leading up to release I let other people get hyped and instead focused on other games to distract myself. When the time came to press play, I had a small flick of hope re-ignite and was almost instantly let down by how unplayable it was. I couldn't even immerse myself in a stealth-hacker roleplay without the frame rate dipping drastically.

I shelved this game until I got ahold of my PS5 and dove back in, noticing a fair amount of improvements, but at this point I've been let down and probably won't finish V's story.

What a bummer.

Rating: ★★★
• Art style/Graphics: ½
• Gameplay/Performance: ½
• Length: ½
• Story/Progression: ½
• Score/Soundtrack: ★