The worst part about growing up is realizing the games you love so much as a kid turns out to be actually mid all along. I miss those simple days...

Super Mario 3D World + Bowser is mad AND HE'S FUCKING PISSED!

I ain't even gonna joke with y'all. I was genuinely having a fantastic time with this game until the experience got ruined by the constant pauses in gameplay. I don't know if this issue is exclusive to the switch version, but if it is, stay away from it. Stick to the Xbox version.

The "legacy" in this collection is experiencing the depressing quality drop in this series.

What if...
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil...

What's this? An actually good incest VN where the main leads are blood related instead of stepsibling?! Why, this is peak fiction good sir!
... However, the bad endings are better than the good endings because of how fucked up and interesting they are. My advice? Play for the bad endings and just skip everything else for the H-scenes. Other than that, yeah this is good stuff.

Stepsister route: Peak character, meh route
Sister route: Good character, bad route. Got so cringe that I skipped everything.
Redhead route: Short, but pretty decent.
Pervy girl route: Best route in the game. Strangely wholesome too wtf?
Side character routes: there's two of them and they're literally the same. Not even joking.

Overall? Maan this VN has some damn good characters and some damn good funny moments, but the actual romance is ass and even the H-scenes are bad because the writers don't know when to shut the hell up and take things seriously for once. My advice? Just play the common route and delete it afterwards. It's all downhill from there.

This game would've been an easy 9/10 if someone didn't fart in one of the devs' cereal that morning. No seriously who was the douchebag that designed the last two final bosses?!

Welcome to Rune Factory 3! We have racism!
3 hours later
We no longer have racism.

A great collection that makes you wonder what's the point of even buying Naruto x Boruto Storm Connection

You know I was on the fence of this game's existence, but after playing it, it's actually pretty good! Sure it has some annoying flaws like the upgrade system being too grindy and the lack of NG+, but it has a decent story and gameplay. I recommend it. Perfect way to end Kiryu's story for good.
The fuck you mean he's coming back in Like A Dragon 8?!

First let me get this out of the way: the switch version is garbage. Play this game somewhere else.

As for the game itself.... it's fine. It's okay. Inoffensive even. Just like with a lot of Compile Heart games, it's only really appealing to a certain niche. I don't think I'm one of them. For what it's worth, I did like the character designs.

This version is worth it for the GPS navigation and the modern shooting/driving controls. If you don't care about none of that or you feel you can get through the game without them, stick to the original. Because while the better controls are good, the glitches and graphical downgrade isn't.

Someone at RGG clearly wants to make a Dragon Quest and/or Persona game because that's what this game feels like sometimes. At least the writers remembered they're writing for a Yakuza game. Too bad it's not all that great.

Grown ass men fighting over a back alley and a blind chick + singing karaoke+ doing the thriller with Micheal Jackson + joining a scummy religion + watching softcore porn +...

I don't think I need to say anymore as to why this game is peak fiction.