I'm wittiwy a phantom thief and anyone who says otherwise will have their heart stolen >:(

hard as balls, but I'm down for the challemge

Some of the best combat in a video game I've ever played. The story is a little hard to understand, but action is balls to the freaking wall with little to no breathing room, which I eat the hell up.

The simplistic yet charming gameplay is something I didn't know I wanted in a game. The atmosphere and personality in this game is breathtaking. I wish there were more relaxing games like this that just tell you to kick your feet up and take it easy. These are the kinds of games I live for.

While a fundamental improvement over Galaxy 1, I still prefer the atmosphere and worlds in the first game. I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game, but it never scratched the same itch that Galaxy 1 did.

It's hell and I love it for some reason. The ridiculous difficulty makes it all the more rewarding when you finally defeat the mountain. Despite the satirical and jokey surface, the philosophical message is actually very profound. While I didn't enjoy playing it, I definetely felt what Bennet Foddy intended to make the player feel. A sense of rage, but also a strong will to beat the game. To rise above the insane challenge. This game turned out to be an unlikely masterpiece.

I'm a huge pussy when it comes to horror games and this one is no different ;-;

I would write my full thoughts on this game, but we'd be here for a FUCKING WHILE.

This game is strange. I personally found it very enjoyable on my playthrough, though I pretty much find all games fun. But I can also acknowledge the lack of identity this game has. It is merely a dull attempt at recreating the success of the previous games, providing it with the bare minimum to set it apart from the rest, yet failing to do so. The gameplay is fun, no doubt, but now with Super Mario Bros Wonder, it is hard to excuse this game for the lack of uniqueness.

I get why this game is criticized, but I am hard to disappoint when it comes to combat in games. 😭

FINALLY. FINALLY AFTER 9 YEARS NINTENDO HAS DELIVERED A UNIQUE AND STYLISTIC 2D MARIO GAME. Personally, I was perfectly satisfied with the first 2 NSMB games, the last 2 was when it started to get ridiculous. And boy, am I glad Nintendo was able to snap out of it, because did we get a DAMN good game out of it.

Got lost and haven't picked it back up since ;-; it's an incredible game though