A weaker version of Mega Man X. The extra campaign where you can play as Vile is pretty cool, though. The unlockable 30 minute anime is a great extra. Watching the anime really gives me the feeling that they were banking on this being the way they reboot and revive Mega Man X into something more... serious? Maybe? I admire the attempt.

This game's combat system isn't nearly as great as 2 Final Mix's, but I do like a lot of the new mechanics that it introduces. This game has so much of the Star Wars prequels in its DNA. Leonard Nimoy as Xehanort is very funny to me.

It's a pretty nice remake of FFIV. The updated pixel art is pretty nice.

I really wanted to be into a big crossover Final Fantasy fighting game, but I could never get into the mechanics. Maybe I'll try it again someday.

A game that was made entirely for its final scene. Everything else is there to justify having a whole game leading up to an important but very well hidden scene from the original Final Fantasy VII stings as hard as possible.

This game has some fun world building in it, and when it's adapting known backstory from FF7 it's pretty okay. All of the new stuff is... pretty bad. Angeal, Genesis, Hollander, all of these new characters feel like creations from a fan-fiction. At least they nail Zack pretty well. He's a very likeable guy who is also the world's most normal man surrounded by theater kids who can't shut the hell up.

Speaking of Zack being likeable -- I wonder if the final Remake game will have any writing addressing how Zack, despite being likeable, did a lot of bad things under Shinra's employment. It was all through the lens of him believing he was being a hero, of course, but that honestly makes it worse. I think the series will continue to view him as another cool guy, but I'd love his Shinra service and how he had a part in the war with Wutai to get examined more.

I just cannot get into this. I have bounced off of Dragon's Dogma like 4 separate times. I give up!

Looking like a Ghibli movie could not save this game for me. The combat wasn't great especially since your AI party members were pretty dumb and loved to burn through their MP very quickly.

This game series just did nothing for me.

Loved all of the creation tools. The actual platforming felt pretty bad. Very, very floaty.


I think I enjoyed this more when it was a browser game, honestly.

I can't really rate this since it's basically an interactive tech demo.

I remember this being a pretty good Breakout.

I have a hard time sticking with multiplayer games, but this one was pretty fun for the time I played it. The netcode and internet latency made a lot of 1-on-1 knife fights end with both players dying at the same time.

Again, I was still reading Penny Arcade when I was in college?