I've got some big time nostalgia for this game. You get some real bang for your buck with this one. I never fully completed it due to how difficult it got.

A game that had the potential to be really cool. A lot of things kept it from that greatness. I laughed out loud at the evil Silent Hill cop car that could arrest you or whatever.

Homecoming feels like the video game adaptation of a SyFy original movie. It has some cool monster designs in it... but it's really hokey. More like a Silent Hill fan game, honestly.

I like the idea, could never get into it.

Played this for a Volition stream. It's bad!

There's something to this game. I really wish there was a sequel or some other game that would revisit and polish the ideas in this game. The score attack/stylish combat rankings and the various moves you had with your laser tether thing were great.

I really admire the first Dark Souls. I didn't get around to playing it until I had already played Bloodborne... so it was really hard to get into this. Everything after Ornstein and Smough feels very unpolished.

I love fighting games but I never have anyone to play them with that is at a similar skill level. I also don't have the time to invest in them because I'm already too invested in a bunch of other genres.

This game was a fairly competent TF2 clone from what I remember... but you could just play TF2 instead.

I don't have much to say about Rez other than it's an all-timer for me. Love the visuals, the music, the little extras you unlock after you beat it.

I've cooled on this game over time, but I still really love the soundtrack. A great first title from the people that would eventually make Hades.

Great pixel art. Great music! Gameplay that... felt a little insubstantial and also grindy.


DOOM is great. This was a pretty great console port of DOOM, if I remember correctly. It got taken off the store for some reason, but I still have it on my HDD.

God, I was still reading Penny Arcade in 2008?