A really weird port of No More Heroes that adds in some of NMH2's bosses as a bonus, along with some new minigames that were clearly cut from the original game for a reason. The Playstation Move controls are honestly way worse than the Wii's motion controls.

I'm not a fan of the graphical changes in this version of the game.

I love this thing. Essentially an official Metal Gear wiki you could download to get you up to speed before MGS4 came out.

A game that had a lot to live up to. What was supposed to be the "final" game in the series had to wrap up so many things that was introduced by the ending of MGS2.

I love this game, warts and all. There's so much good in it, but there's also a ton of stuff that does not live up to its potential. The first two acts of the game are great, but essentially a tech demo for the scrapped "living battlefield" idea. Things like being able to influence a proxy war to benefit you in different ways by siding with different factions is an awesome idea. I would love to see a game realize that idea some day.

I was so hyped for this game. It was basically all I could think about during the last month or so leading up to launch. This was my summer game of 2008 that I would play every day after a really shitty day at my minimum wage job, so I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for it.

An incredible game that punches above its weight. One of Platinum's best games. One of the best uses of music in a game. This game is full of incredible moments that rival even the best of the mainline Metal Gears. Senator Armstrong is one of my favorite Metal Gear villains with an entrance to match. He doesn't appear until the last hour of the game and yet that's all you need.

I really wish Konami wasn't so poorly managed. There must have been a sequel in the very, very beginnings of pre-production before it got axed.

It's a beautifully made game. I really admire Naughty Dog's level of talent, though I'm more of an Uncharted fan. The game has a few too many combat sequences and the sheer amount of times you have to find a crate or a ladder is a little absurd. I still enjoy a lot of parts of this game and there are some great performances in it.

More of a point-and-click adventure game than an actual detective game. It's funny that the later ports of this game rephrased the various dialogue prompts because they originally did not match up with what Cole would do after you made your choice.

Sadly this game didn't leave much of an impression on me. I remember it looking quite nice, though.

Not very good, but very entertaining for the wrong reasons. I remember when this game first launched and it was viewed as a pretty impressive piece of art... man. I'm glad to see that more people have flipped on this game after they started to recognize a pattern in David Cage's writing.

This game is still worth a playthrough or watch because of how unintentionally funny it is. Just make sure that you fail every single QTE prompt when you're chasing a guy through a grocery store.

The game that won't stop making money. I promise everyone that there are other video games to play that are better.

The beginning of Final Fantasy's decline in popularity. The general difficulties most Japanese developers had when transitioning to HD game dev combined with Square Enix's own issues led to this game coming out as a jumbled mess. A polished mess, sure, but still a mess. The battle system is a lot of fun... but there are way too many battles.

The plot is stretched real thin for most of the game as you spend a lot of it with your party split into groups of 2 going their separate ways. There are a lot of elements in this game trying to hearken back to the feeling Final Fantasy VII gave everyone when it first released, but it just doesn't do anything well enough to earn that.

This game also has one of the weakest party lineups in a Final Fantasy. Lightning's backstory isn't interesting enough to justify her cold attitude, Snow feels pretty two dimensional, Hope is obnoxious and the game really stretches his whole issue with Snow out way too long, and Vanille is... I don't know. I just do not like Vanille much. Fang is whatever and Sazh is a dad. It's a party that does not work for me.

10/10 it's possible to hug your opponent.

I admire a lot of what this game does. The instantly respawning outposts, not so much... but there are so many systems in this game that feel a little ahead of their time. The fire propagation, bullets able to penetrate and destroy cover, guns jamming, needing to get medicine to treat your malaria... it's cool!

It's a pretty great action puzzle game with a fun story that has the exact same issues as every Persona game since 3. It'll have some interesting themes and fun characters and then something happens that either directly contradicts whatever the story is trying to say... or in this case pulls a shitty trans panic joke on Erica, who is nothing but a lovely character the entire time.

I really wanted to like this since it was Platinum... but it's very weak. The characters are very unbalanced in multiplayer which leads to a lot of frustrating matches.

Simple and addictive. I've never managed to get all of the achievements in this.