It's definitely an enjoyable puzzle platformer... but as with Johnathan Blow's games, I have a hard time divorcing this game from Phil Fish.

I'm not entirely a fan of how often the Batmobile is used in this game, but I also think the hatred for it is a little overblown. This game still looks great to this day. The marketing for this game was pretty funny because they were insisting the identity of the Red Hood would be super shocking... and it turned out he was exactly who everyone thought he would be from minute 1.

I mainly remember this game because the guy introducing it on stage at E3 seemed a little horny for cars.

Look, there weren't very many games on the PS4 for quite a while and I was desperate to play something new. The DLC for Second Son is basically of the same quality as the main game. It's fine.

A lot funnier than I thought it would be, though the whole mental asylum section isn't great.

I'm... not really a fan of this one. It's a narrative puzzle platformer where the narrative is kind of hokey.

A fun little toybox that I did not stick around for.

"Wow, Platinum Games is making an Avatar game! Neat!"

Well... it has some neat ideas for bending combat. It's clearly a rushed license game at heart, though.

The gameplay is fine. It has some cool ideas it doesn't really cash in on. It's cool to have an open world game in Chicago. Everything that is memorable about this game is focused around the protagonist, the story, and how tonally strange everything is.

It's very clear that Aiden's sister was originally written as his wife and there was very little done to the script to make it feel that way. I love that you can get experience points for non-lethal takedowns as tons of innocent civilians die in a horrible car crash that you caused by hacking the stoplight at an intersection. Technically it's the cars exploding killing them, not you.

It's fine. A pretty unremarkable Metroidvania that looks kind of cool.

I was very hyped for this due to my love of Bastion, but it didn't really hit for me. I'll come back to it one day.

A very pretty launch window game that doesn't have a lot going on. It's definitely pared down and smaller in scope than the previous Infamous game.

An awful and forgettable single player campaign. The multiplayer seemed better but wasn't my scene.

A game heavily inspired by Uncharted with the addition of more platforming puzzles and larger hub maps to explore.

I'm not even a big fan of the original TR games, but the rebooted version of Lara is a pretty dull character whose defining characteristic is "gets hurt in creative ways a lot". I'm not against violence or gore in my games, but something about the ways she repeatedly gets hurt in this game is off putting to me.

The best game on the PSP, in my opinion. They did a really great job of translating Metal Gear gameplay into a portable format. Love all of the Monster Hunter inspiration and cameos. Love all of the absurd extras and co-op features.