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ChoppyGaspleen reviewed The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition
Probably has the best lore/writing in an Elder Scrolls game (so far). Obviously I despise the combat but if this game received a remake with better combat then it would be perfect! i love the world-building of Morrowind and especially the DLC, I made so many characters that I would roleplay as in this entry of the series just like Skyrim <3

3 days ago

ChoppyGaspleen reviewed Dark Souls
Got this game to see what all the fuss was about. I don't know where to begin, but luckily I wrote a rough review way back when so I wouldn't forget what it was like.

Good stuff:

Character design
•being able to create a personalized character
•creative enemy designs and some NPCS

fashion souls
•so many wearable outfits to choose from

•dark atmosphere which fits the name of the game very well

Exploration (somewhat)
•being able to either slightly branch off paths or at the very least do things in different orders

Bad stuff:

•getting through the gauntlet of enemies is more annoying and infuriating than the bosses themselves
•some mid bosses are harder than the final boss
•carnal demon is in such a small boss area
•ornstein and smough

Level design
•skeleton catacombs
•tomb of the giants
•warping isn't available until after anor londo so backtracking was the only way to move around until then

NPC 'lore'
•NPCs barely talk
•most lore is given through item descriptions so anything can be missed very easily for the more casual player

Music (lack thereof)
•no music except for bosses

•multiplayer can add to frustration in the idea of being invaded at inoppurtune times

•armor barely protects against attacks
•armor hinders roll-dodging

In conclusion, when I beat this game I didn't feel satisfied and haven't done another full run since.

3 days ago

ChoppyGaspleen completed Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
Kinda wish they ended the Ezio storyline at Assassin's Creed 2 because this game just works to drag out the narrative, but at least this game isn't Assassin's Creed 1 lmao

3 days ago

ChoppyGaspleen reviewed Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
The idea that there's like 10 branching paths for the ending is great! Unfortunately that idea also made me very overwhelmed and I have yet to come back to this game to do the rest of the endings because of just how much stuff there is to do 😭😭😭

3 days ago

ChoppyGaspleen reviewed Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
My first fallout experience! I thought it was pretty good for what it was and thoroughly enjoyed the DLCs added on this version of the game too, there's so much to do! My only gripe was sprinting not being possible in this game and how much they overdo the green filter in the overworld lmao

3 days ago

ChoppyGaspleen finished Crash of the Titans
Gets very boring and repetitive after playing just a short while...imagine 100% this game...oh wait! 😃

Getting all the gems and tikis and crates and everything onpy got me an altnerate ending where Crash Bandicoot gets shot with a mutation gun and turns into a giant head baby I'm not kidding

Maybe the console versions will be better, at least this game wasn't Crash Boom Bang

8 days ago

9 days ago

9 days ago

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