It's like if a really good action movie was a game.

This game is basically the Yandhi of video games. It could have been so good. I still think it's relativity entertaining and the story is passable. Arthur is a good character, there are some unique ideas there that just didn't get fully fleshed out. It's really buggy, there's like 5 different NPCs, but I would still say I enjoyed the time that I've spent with it so far. I have it shelved for now but I wouldn't be surprised if I finish it in the future.

This game sucks. The story sucks. The characters suck. The writing sucks. The game play sucks. The choices don't matter. The movement feels wonky and delayed. The idea is interesting but this isn't good at all.


Honestly really fun for what it is.

This game is so overrated. I just don't get it. It's boring, there is no story, the visuals don't stand out. I just don't get where all the praise is coming from.


What this game could have been.. It's still really fun to play through everyone in a while but it's so sad to think about how revolutionary it could have been.

Absolute masterpiece. The visuals, the game design, the voice acting, everything. It's not a game, it's art.

Minecraft is so much more than just a game at this point, but if we're talking about the base vanilla survival game, there's a lot to be left desired. But obviously that's not the point. Minecraft is whatever you want it to be. You can add mods, play on a server with special game modes, whatever. That's what makes it amazing.

Maybe the best game ever right behind Half-Life 2? Valve always pushes forward the video game industry.

Revolutionary for the time but not even close to the sequel.

This game is just so good. It's such a shame this franchise was consumed by EA and never got a proper sequel.

It's really fun with friends, but only for a little. Once the initial mystery of it all wears off it gets extremely repetitive.

This game is just a lot of fun. Pick it up and you'll be entertained for a few hours.

Amazing game, definitely goes above and beyond for what it is. Really strong 4 stars.

Probably the best (?) exploration game ever? Maybe?