It was the peak of D2 and I enjoyed it but after this, I kinda stopped playing.

Like an addict, I would keep coming back for the expansions but after that initial honeymoon period, I would stop playing again. It was an okay expansion, nothing great but pretty good.

Initially a really cool expansion but honestly just like Europa it was pretty cold and barren for the most part. The Exo stuff was pretty cool though. But this was what finally broke me from Destiny's hard grip on me and I haven't played since even with The Final Shape recently released so yay I guess.

Great game and got me into the series.

I haven't played since around the launch of the game so my opinion is kinda outdated but whatever. I played all of the game (besides one gig that was bugged so I couldn't start it) and it was pretty wonderful but oh so buggy mess. It definitely felt like it needed more development time but hey it is what it is. Overall it was pretty good, but I can't speak for its current state so maybe it really is way better like so many say but idk. Maybe if I ever get the DLC i'll review the current state of game.

It's a pretty alright port for the most part, but still, it's Nocturne so it is a great game to play.

Great game overall, with some lovely art direction, excellent music, a great story, and a fun cast.

A very solid turn-based RPG that can be punishing and challenging at times but overall a wonderful game with its atmosphere and great soundtrack.

Great game and a wonderful entry-point for new players of SMT.

Imagine Terraria but worse and with a space theme and very little content and you get Starbound.

It was okay at launch but I heard it got a lot better so that's good I guess.

Overall it's a pretty great Persona game. Love the art direction and soundtrack, but the characters and story were kinda of bland at times.

Oh, look at how they massacred my boy.... I want to love this game but it is just so messy.

It somehow has a distinct identity but none at the same time to me. But it was pretty okay.

Makes lots of small improvements to the base P5 with some extra stuff to further your enjoyment of the game overall.