Fun but totally unfair if you were expecting otherwise

I cant seem to agree with a lot of people saying that this DLC was a total 10/10, maybe I'm just jaded from the amount of bullshit bungie put its player base through, but Ill state a few of the things that were bothering me.

-I don't like prismatic, like at all. Its not fun to me, and it also makes certain other classes irrelevant. Like why would I ever run arc titan in PVE again in endgame content if I can just slap thundercrash on prismatic which has much stronger survivability and 3 consecrations.
- The story was certainly better than a lot of the stuff they have put out in the past but it also felt like a marvel movie, which isn't horrible, but I don't think its a masterpiece like a lot of people are saying, There's obviously a lot more to say about the story but I wont get into it.
-Obviously the DLC was totally unplayable for the first day, which is pretty important for a live service MMO with only 3 days to raid prep.
-Overthrow is so boring.
-I loved the new pale heart weapons but I cant get over how much I hate the way they look.

There is obviously a lot of good stuff that came with the DLC, like the raid and the new weapon sandbox (which was probably my favorite thing about this whole DLC), but with all that I still just don't seem to like it as much as everyone else.

EDIT after doing post raid content:
-I don't like the sandbox anymore they just made everything overpowered and now titans are in a really bad spot.
-The raid was good it was like a 7/10 for me I think I liked VOW better but encounter 4 of SE was the best non boss encounter I've ever played. Super cool.
-The post raid mission was whatever.
-Dude why are we adding random rolled exotics this is going to be awful to grind

EDIT again way later: The game balance is actually awful the more I play it the more I realize that this game is in a really shitty spot rn. Why does arbalest do more damage than cataclysmic???
some quests are way too tedious like the prismatic fragment quests and khvostov quest

Pantheon is an amazing challenge for people who already like raiding. Unfortunately for the casual player, its going to be fairly impossible to do 8 encounters in a row while 20 under level.
Onslaught is extremely boring unless you like shooting ads and killing mini bosses for an entire hour, but the rewards are fun.
The new crucible maps are fun but the state of the crucible isn't, still props i guess.
Several renewed exotic missions are back, which is great but I wish they wouldn't remove them to begin with.

Bad raid
meh weapons
Cool subclass that is not balanced
Buggy campaign that they have no intention of fixing
Boring story
Bad dungeons
OK vanguard activities
Decent mod rework
Increased price for some reason

A fun 2 hours for sure, exploring all the secrets and endings was cool. I wish it was a bit longer

Exactly like the original and totally seamless co op. You need to import the files from the DLC if you want to play them.


An extremely underrated game in my opinion, lots of respect to ebb software. Scorn is a total breath of fresh air for video games. Strangely reminded me of Babbdi.
While I did feel underwhelmed at how vague the ending was, I also think that them leaving it totally open allows the player to view it from whatever perspective they want. To me its exciting when games push the boundary between interactive art and videogames, and I think scorn did this well for the most part.
Related to this is the combat, because I think a lot of people found it incongruous; and while I thought the same at first, I appreciate it a lot more after finishing. Alien flesh guns shouldn’t feel anything like an fps, and honestly I had fun with it. I think they definitely could have given it a clearer ending to appeal to a wider audience, or they could even expand on the meaning with a sequel, but I think it stands fine as it is being an exploration focused visual experience.

This is my first time playing a neptunia game and I really hated it. The game was boring and everyone was super cringey. It also keeps sexualizing characters that look way too young.

Fun for like 3 hours, but you will beat every level in the game long before you unlock anything cool. This game desperately needs more difficult levels and enemies.

The game is actually incredibly fun, despite taking a while to learn. You can even get a great skin for every character and gun for free, which cant be said about a lot of competitive games. There are lots of fun strategies to try and characters to play.
Why the mediocre rating? I want to give this a 9, but the technical issues are so bad that I'm considering quitting.
-Half the people in my stack crash every other game during comp matches despite having strong PCs.
-Random features of the game wont work for some people like voice chat or Ubisoft Connect.
-Peeker's advantage is so bad I almost refuse to believe that the game actually has dedicated servers.
-small shield characters like blitz and fuse are very frustrating because what you think you are blocking is rarely what you are actually blocking, and killcams expose the most ridiculous inconsistencies.
-Game takes eons to load, which is really painful when you crash during a competitive match and are trying to reconnect.
-guns wont load in after using abilities, good luck aiming without a scope or any model to indicate anything.
I really do think the game is fun but it is completely soiled by technical issues.

PVE has now officially been canceled for those who still actually thought that blizzard would deliver.

I think that most people would agree that this is the worst resident evil game ever made, but I probably dislike it more than even them. Everyone else is already talking about the incoherent story and not so great gameplay, so Ill try to list out some of the unique things that I disliked in particular.
-literally the worst inventory system I've ever seen in any video game. Its laughably bad.
-Horrible motion sickness due to the bad 3rd person camera placement, janky movement, and over the top visuals
-Uneven multiplayer is not done well, one person will not be having fun sometimes because they aren't allowed to do anything while the other player does all the work.

The same incredibly fun game to play and mess around in, with new added enemies to keep it fresh. The story takes a fairly extreme turn which left me aching for the sequel, but I think its looking pretty bleak at this point.
I honestly enjoyed the episodes more than I enjoyed Half life 2 itself since it felt like they were trying a lot harder to make the story a main focus of the game.

TLDR: Iron lung is cool, but a lot more fun to watch than play. Its more of a novelty than an actual fully formed video game.

The guy a few reviews below me said: "Games do not have to be fun to be good." And while I ALMOST agree, I think that its an overgeneralization to a lot of horror in media. I think that video games do have to be fun in some way, or at least provide some novel player interaction within the medium.
I can understand the sentiment that good media is not always enjoyable, and enjoyable media is not always good; but if the actual gameplay doesn't enhance the experience of playing the game, then why is it a game in the first place?

As neat of a concept this game was, I ended up feeling very underwhelmed. The lore takes a grand total of 10 minutes to fully understand, and the gameplay consists of purely pushing buttons on a console. Those who have completed the game might agree that the payoff you get after completing your objective is fairly underwhelming.

I don't think its a stretch to say that ULTRAKILL is so good that it is mostly responsible for inspiring a new age of single player movement shooters.
Think Turbo Overkill or Reaver