One of best games ever made, expertly crafted systems to convey the opposite of a power fantasy, a hard game but not to necessarily create a sense of satisfaction after beating it but to make you empathize with the harsh conditions of the world that the characters are living in, you are as likely to die as any character of this game, the only advantage you have is you're a doctor an you can treat yourself and another people, however combat is not your area of expertise and even an 1v1fist fight can be pretty dangerous, not that necessarily you're gonna die but you can lose a big amount of health; in the case where there is a 1v2 or 3 fight or someone of them has a knife, you can die pretty easily even if you have a knife of your own. There are guns in this game but then again you are a doctor and therefore it's not something easy to use and maintain, reload times are larger than one might expect, the gun can jam at any moment when you use it enough and ammunition is rare and expensive, doesn't mean that having a gun is bad, it can get you out of situations fast but you can't abuse it, this game is not about shooting your way out, this is a game about making decisions to survive and find a cure.
One can talk about a lot of things this game does right, how genius some design decisions are, how well written the story is, how every system and detail the games has comes together to create this unique experience, where other games force you to make moral, scripted and sometimes binary decisions, the systems from pathologic 2 create those harsh scenarios naturally; where other games try to make feel sad for killing some random NPC they forced you to kill, pathologic 2 systems CAN even make you consider to kill CHILDREN in your most desperate moments without forcing you with scripts, it recognizes that even if killing can be cruel... bad times can make you do cruel decisions, and if you want to survive in these times you have to take some extreme decisions.
You can't save everybody in this game... and that is what makes it exceptional.
I'm eager to play the other two characters Ice-Pick Lodge are developing and I hope the best for them.

Star Wars + DOOM + some infuriating level design = this game

Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

A total improvement from the original, the soundtrack is spookier than ever.

It's stupid how many things the game throws you at the same time and I LOVE IT. But the level design can be too linear and there is some parts that are horrible designed, and the bosses can be not that inspired...

Completed this game on master mode... if you comprehend how to control Ryu and know how the bosses and enemies behaves it is not that hard... it is hard but you need to master the mechanics.

It's not lower because it seems I can't put a zero to this abomination of game.
Imagine this being the first Sonic game you've played...
That's me


I like the being a pirate more than being an assassin with these boring systems. But I will take assassins every day rather than whatever Ubisoft wanted to do with these first person walking segments.

The story is just ridiculous in almost every way, past Laytons were incoherent but this plot in general is awful, it has some good build up and interactions with the characters to throw it all away with how it all works. After that revelation my brain just can't stop thinking how everything doesn't make any sense, how the hell can anybody make another city below London? there is time travel but not? or yes? what the hell with Layton's girl then? I like Clive's personality but why they want to rescue him? He probably kill MILLIONS of people and destroyed part of London with that stupid meca the story brought up out of nowhere and there is many other CLEAR issues with the story, I simply can't take this story serious enough to care about anything.
Pandora's box may have some plot issues with how the town works and those hallucinations but the way they explained was almost convincing and you can take seriously what's happening, Unwound future is a mess.
In regard to the puzzles they are great, there are some of the best of the franchise here, and the exploration is good.
I consider the gameplay makes a decent experience overall and it's a good play if you like Layton.

If you want to play a board game with friends, almost every option is better than this.

Ah yeah, the game that comes with a wii mote.
The only reason you would want to play this game is because of tanks.